(L. Manning)
A.k.a. Y Mas Gan.
Recorded November 23, 1972. Produced by Lloyd Daley. Time: 3:31.
Dub version called Y Mas Gan Version. Produced by Lloyd Daley. Time: 3:22.
DJ-version called Mas Gan, voiced April 4, 1973, reusing the 1972 rhythm track. Produced by Lloyd Daley. Time: 3:47.
Percussion version called Tribute To The President, voiced September 26, 1974, reusing the 1972 rhythm track. Produced by Lloyd Daley. Time: 3:39.
Recut. Appeard on their debut album Forward To Zion, 1976. Produced by the Abyssinians. Time: 3:44.
Songindex [0-9] [ABC] [DEF] [GHI] [JKL] [MNO] [PQRS] [TUV] [WXYZ]
Last updated: 2004-02-11