Kristn's Shaboigen/Kingdom of Laffs/Kome on in!


to Kristn's page of Shaboigen and other assorted Hootanany!

((Now with new subliminal scrolling marquee madness!))

Daddy draws good stuff.

hee hee
*APPLAUSE* Yes, chellovecks, welcome to the wonderful world from the depths of my mozg. I'm still under konstruktion here, so bear with me and my klose to nothingness on the page. Here's a hint for navigating yourself around here: whenever you want to get back to this main page, just click on the little guy in the beanbag chair (or some people like to kall it a handicapped sign.) Now, go have fun! Good, free fun. No pretty polly required!

Go see my Artstuffs. They're pretty kew. It's just samples of my work when I get bored and kreative. Have fun!

This is the link to my shrine to partying Kristn style. iHUZZAH! (in Spanish)

Movies are good, to put it bluntly. I've tried to accumulate a buncha good quotes for y'all, so here they are.

Meef! Kome see me Doggiez!

AH....THE PIX. A branching-out to Annon's page. Klik here to see us engaged in our silly antics.

Adoptions to warm your heart...or something to that effekt.

Here are me ever wonderful linkes. But, ask you REALLY want to leave?

For those of you who wish to Sleep in the Flowers

Ooh. Look. A guestbook for all of you loving people who visit me.

Does me moonkey entertain you?

I think that my kounter's on crack...not the monkey one, but the real one...what do you think?

GIR wants you to stop, have a cupcake, and sign my guestbook. You kan even go get your own GIR!

Doom doom!  Doomy doom doom!

Go be Zimmified.

O, have you what it takes to join?

Eat Q Flakes-They Taste Like Q!

If you experience any problems with the site, please mail me so I kan fix it.