Hi. I've been informed that it is necessary for me to inform my visitors of the copyright laws of the United States regarding sites such as mine. So here it is.
A word about this site: Polystyreneman's Lyrics Database was founded in August 1997 as a small, private web site (more or less an experiment in HTML) by a 17-year old high school student from Pennsylvania. The owner posted lyrics to several albums for the benefit of himself and his friends. Slowly, the site grew. After applying to several small music search engines, requests came pouring in for more lyrics. And it continued to grow to the point that you see it today. The operation of this site is simple. At first, the owner typed out all the lyrics to some of the first albums that appeared on the page. More recently, people all around the world have sent lyrics to their favorite albums, requesting that they be formatted and placed on the page. (If anyone who reads this wishes to submit lyrics, please send them via email to Polystyreneman64@hotmail.com. On occasion, lyrics from the page have been taken from other sites on the internet, with, of course, the consent of the owner. Once again, keep coming back to the page. Enjoy your visit.
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