Welcome, Ocean Colour Scene Fans

Ocean Colour Scene is one of the bands to come out of the 60s trad-rock scene, merely transplanted into the wrong decade. Therefore, they haven't received the popularity and glitz of other Britpop bands of this decade.

They've released 3 albums, a self-titled debut, MOSELEY SHOALS, and MARCHIN' ALREADY, all three of which have their own merits. But they aren't unique enough, not new-sounding enough, to be considered among the great bands. MOSELEY SHOALS seems to be their tour de force, with its singles "The Day We Caught the Train," "You've Got it Bad," and the stellar "Riverboat Song," but these songs don't make this band great, nor particularly likable except to fans of trad-rock, particularly the Beatles.

If you like the sound of traditional Brit-pop, you'll love OCS; otherwise, their albums are best left on the shelf.


GROUP RATING: ** (of 5)

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