Food 0_o:

The Food Network - Ever watch this channel? If you have, you know that it's super cool, and almost all the TV you'd ever need. If not, why??? Go watch it. Some shows are good, some I really like. ;) This is their website, and it's got stuff about all their programs, and lots and lots of recipes you'll find these people making. There's a good chance you'll find something you'll like. Go.

Cook Pad (in Japanese) – Assuming you and your computer can read Japanese, a great, site with tons and tons of recipes. I've yet to not be able to find what I've been looking for here. ;)

All about Cheese! - As you may or may not know, I have a deep love of cheese. So, what better than - Yet another fun site about cheese in the States, this time brought to you by the American Dairy Association.

Tillamook Cheese - Have I mentioned my love of cheese? ;) Living in Oregon, we always get Tillamook Cheddar. If you're ever on the Oregon coast, go to the Visitor's center. Why? You can see the cheese being made and packaged and....Free cheese samples!! Woohoo!! And the ice cream's really great, too. ;) (Note, though, that driving through Tillamook county, you will notice a strong smell of COW. ;P)

Other cool things:

PSU Crew - Anybody who even takes a peek at my LiveJournal (hint, hint) will know that I'm currently on the Viking Crew at PSU, and loving it. Here's the webpage thingy. Go notice how we novice women make up half the team. Woohoo! ;)

Live Journal - These seem like the cool thing to have now, so how could I possibly not? Come read the occasionally updated (unlike this, yes) rants and goings-on of my boring life if you want. ;-)

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