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Need an idea for a fanfic? Have an idea, but don't want to write it?
Then you've come to the right place!

If you do accept a Challenge and send it in, please refer to which one it is, e.g. Challenge #1.
If you want to submit your own Challenge, continue to the bottom of the page and fill in the form.

Challenge #1
- Hawkeye
Challenge - A computer virus is sweeping through the mainframe at City Hall and will eventually infect the entire city. Ace and Cosmo need Angel's help on this one, but will they be able to figure it out before Angel crashes?
Other Instructions - Don't make the bad guy(s) a bunch of idiots (I really didn't like it on the show when they gave them stupid voices and motives), but besides that, it's up to you!
Challenge #2
- Diamond
Challenge - A crook is setting off bombs around Electro City. Every time he sets up a new one; the time is lowered. The crook is someone no one would expect!! To get rid of this guy they need at least 2 million dollars. The only one with money like that is Black Jack or Sonnyboy.
Other Instructions - The crook can not be a regular crook, it has to be someone that no one would expect. (ie: Cosmo, Senator Dobbs etc. some examples)
Challenge #3
- Nessa
Challenge - Cosmo has a mystery on his hands when a computer expert goes around, putting viruses into famous people's computers, including Ace's. Cosmo is told that *he* is the only one that can stop the maniac before it's too late.
Other Instructions - The computer expert has to be someone that no one would think of. No one like Faceless, who everyone knows is good with computers.
Challenge #4 Added 11/10/99
- Greywolf Lupous
Challenge - Okay, idea that has been running through my head for a long time. Basically Cosmo is kidnapped (has anyone noticed that's a reoccuring theme in my stories/ideas?), but not like as a hostage for Ace, instead like for his own little hacking skills. Y'know? Y'know?... well, I'm sure someone does!!! Oh fine! *pouts*
Other Instructions - Hmm, nah, not really except for excluding the hostage bit.
Challenge #5 Added 11/10/99
- Hawkeye
Challenge - I would like to see a Magician/Quantum Leap crossover. Yes, I said Quantum Leap.
Other Instructions - Sam has to leap into either Ace or Cosmo, and I would really like someone who actually knows and watches the show to write it. Also, I'd like a little scene or something with whoever is leaped into, back in the waiting room.


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