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The Secret World of Alex Mack
The plot of the Secret World of Alex Mack is very simular to the plot of the Journey of Allen Strange, which premiered about four years after this show did. By the way, the two shows are even made by the same company. The main idea for Alex Mack is about a girl one day who was coming home from school, when a chemical truck filled with this chemical called GC-161 just about ran into her, and doused her in this chemical. Before the chemical lab could identify who this girl was she ran to her house. It was there that Alex talked to her sister, Annie about what had happened. Her sister who wants to be a scientest immedatly examinded her. Right about after that, Alex started noticing that she would do some weird things, because of a side effect from this medicine. She could shoot bolts of electricity out of her index finger and she could morph into a pile of water. They both expected this to maybee last for days or weeks. While this was going on Alex told her best friend Raymond about this. Pretty soon it had been a year after the accident and nothing got better. And then it went to two years and beyond.

While knowing that she has these powers Alex must keep this a secret from her parents who are also scientests at the Paradise Valley Chemical Lab. And just like Allen Strange, Alex must try as hard as she can to keep this a secret from the lab, because with some of the weird people there, there is no telling what they could do to her. She does keep this a secret for about four years, before it finnally gets out.

The secret World of Alex Mack premiered during Snick in 1994. It lasted on Snick for a while until going into the 8 PM weekday time slot. You can still see reruns every weekday at 6:30/ 5:30 central.
Main Characters
Alex Mack- the main person of the TV show. She was doused with this liquid that can make her turn into a puddle of water, shoot electricty out of her finger, and move things around in the air.

Annie Mack- Alex's sister, who is usually performing experiments on Alex. Allthough Alex doesn't like it, Annie is interested in this because she wants to be a scientest.

Ray Alverado- Alex's best friend. He, besides her and Annie are the only one that knows about Alex's secret. He is usually hanging out with her like a best freind would.

Louis Driscoll- One of the people in the school that Alex and Raymond go to. He could be a considered one of their freids, but usually he's pulling some kind of practical joke on sombody.

Danielle Atron- the main person of this town. She has a chemical lab and the school under her name. She is always trying to find the "kid" that got doused with GC-161.

Vince- one of Danielle Atron's workers at the chemical lab. Alex is always having to stay away from him because they are always developing something to try to find the person with GC-161.

Barbera and George Mack- Alex and Annie's parrents. They don't have any idea that Alex is the one the lab is looking for, because Alex fears if she tells them they'll turn her over to the lab for testing.
season one
1. The accident
2. Shock Value
3. Hoop War
4. Cold day in Paradise Valley
5. False Alarms
6. School dance
7. Science Fair
8. Alex and Mom
9. The Feud
10. The Video Tape
11. The Solo
12. Annie Bailss
13. Road Trip

season two
14. Busted
15. New Kid in Town
16. suspect
17. Double bogey
18. nerve
19. The Secret World of Ray Alvarado
20. The Rat trap
21.Ray Goes to Washington
22. The Secret (halloween episode)
23. trophy case
24. pressure
25. Saturn
26. Mack TV
27. Local hero
28. The carnival
29. On the rocks
30. the Gift (Christmas episode)
31. Working
32. the party
33. world without Alex
34. Operation breakout
35. The Other Side (part 1)
36. The Other side (part 2)
37. Images

season three
38. Bubbling over
39. New World order
40. Big Ray
41. Muckracker
42. Bad Girl
43. The understudy
44. A room of her own
45. Chemistry
46. Mystery Man
47. Spivey
48. The Women of the year
49. Twelve and a half
50. The test
51. The creeper
52. Triangle
53. Freinds like that
54. BMX
55. Nightmare in paradise
56. Cheers
57. Camping
58. Ashley
59. Oscar
60. The storm
61. foot fault
62. Leaving
63. the switch

season four
64. Senora Garcia
65. The Doctor
66. The Band
67. Things Change