Brenda’s Dreams
by Ann Marie

Chapter Two

Brenda ran from the lighthouse to Julia’s car. Brenda got in the front seat and
closed her eyes. She had to try and find a way to block the past from her mind.
She was unsuccessful and an image of her brother’s nine-year-old blonde hair
and blue eyes flashed through her head as clearly as she had seen him yesterday
instead of ten years ago.

She had been at her Grandmother Quartermaine’s white house on the beach at
Cape Cod and it had been summer at the time. Thirteen-year-old Brenda had
been laying in a king-size bed with Julia sleeping next to her. Her heart fluttering
as she tried to shut away the scary dream she had just had. The crying sound of
gulls flying over the beach just outside her window seemed to be a million miles

The dream had started out like an ordinary dream. She and Julia had been
playing basketball with their cousin, David and a friend he had brought along with
him, Adam Knight. David and Adam had been ahead of the twins in points like
they always were. The twins never could seem to beat them. Ben had been
watching outside the fence. His blue eyes following the basketball as it passed
from the twins to the boys.

“You can beat these guys, Brenda. I dreamed that you did.” Ben had called to

“Okay, if you dreamed it then I’ll do it.” Brenda said as she shot the basketball
and scored a three point basket. That had brought the game to an end with the
twins finally winning a game.

Ben started to cheer and Brenda turned to give him a thumbs up. Out of
nowhere came a tornado and swallowed Ben up inside of it. It had twisted and
turned and then it had been gone, leaving the place where Ben had stood empty.
Brenda had started screaming, but the others ignored her like nothing had

Brenda leaned back against the headboard and folded her arms across her
chest. It would be a dream come true if just for once they could beat the boys at
basketball, but she didn’t want the rest of the dream to be true. Not that any of
the dreams she had ever came true.

Julia had awoken then and Brenda had told her about the strange dream she had
about Ben.

What was I thinking when I told Julia about that dream? Brenda asked herself as
a cold wind blew its way through the car making her shiver. Also why had Ben
told David about having the same dream? They should of just kept the dream to

Brenda and Ben had both had the same dream. Everything had been the same
except for the tornado coming and taking Ben away. David, Adam, Julia, and
Brenda had played basketball the next day and nearly everything that happened
in the dream had come true except for the tornado. The twins had won the game
on a three point shot from Brenda. Brenda had held her breath waiting for the
tornado to appear, but none had and she had felt foolish to worry about
something happening to Ben.

Brenda and Ben had dreamed again before David and Adam headed back to
Boston. The second dream had been a nice one. They had all gone sailing with
David’s dad, Michael. Before leaving on the outing they had told each other what
happened in their dreams. Again everything happened like it did in the dream.

After this second occurrence, Julia had told everyone about Brenda and Ben’s
dreaming. This had made Brenda very nervous about having the dreams she
dreamed come true and especially since her brother was having the same
dreams. She felt like she was in the Twilight Zone.

Ben had thought it was cool and wanted to plan out the dreams before they had
them, but Brenda had been reluctant because she couldn’t forget the first dream
about the tornado. If she would of had time to get used to it she probably would
of been all right, but that chance had been taken away from her. Brenda clasped
her hands together tightly trying to prevent any more of her troubled past from
surfacing. She had never told Julia about the horror she had felt about her
brother and had only been able to give her parents clues to what might happen.

How had Lucy Coe uncovered her dreams?

Julia opened the driver’s door and slid into the front seat next to her sister. She
shot Brenda a strange look. “You can really be strange at times, you know?”

Brenda brushed a piece of hair from her forehead. “Did you tell her about the

“No, I didn’t. You shouldn’t be such a baby about those dreams. I think Lucy’s
wonderful. What about this man she talked about? Have you been keeping me
in the dark?”

Brenda shook her head. “That’s just stuff she made up to look good for you.”

“All right, if you believe that then why did you run away when she mentioned the

“Those dreams belong in the past and I don’t want to talk about them anymore.”

Julia watched her sister and Brenda stared back at her, telling herself that Sonny
Corinthos was is the past too and that’s where he was going to stay. She was
over him and the fact that he had not told her that he was seeing Julia until he
had asked Julia to marry him could no longer hurt her.

“All those California men buffed and tanned and your not interested in them?
Julia asked in disbelief. “I don’t see why I have to drag everything I want to know
out of you.”

Brenda shrugged. She was not ready to trust another man and she didn’t ever
know if she would be, but if she ever did it would be none of Julia’s business.
“Men from California are over-rated just like tans are.”

“Secretive as always. Don’t think I’m going to let you get away with this. Lucy
said there was a man and a house. Come on, tell me. There is a man and your
living with him back in California.”

“I live alone in my apartment and that is the way I like it.”

Julia shook her head and changed the subject. “Sonny wants a boy.” she said as
she started the car.

“And you?” Brenda was glad to have the subject changed. “What do you want?”

Julia didn’t answer her until she pulled into the street. “I’m not sure. It was
Sonny’s idea for me to get pregnant. He wants an heir to carry on the Corinthos
name. I’m not even really sure I ready to have this baby.”

Brenda tried to smile. “Isn’t it a little late to have doubts. Like six months too

Julia laughed. “I guess it is, but you know Sonny when he wants something he
gets it.”

Brenda nodded. She knew that because one look at Julia and Sonny had
decided he wanted Julia for his own. Sonny had gotten his way like he always

“I’m supposed to go to a baby shower some friends of mine are having this
afternoon, do you want to go with me.”

“Julia, I’m really tired. Would you mind if I didn’t go? I think I’m jet-lagged.”

“I was planning on showing off my successful twin sister off, some of my friends
have never seen a real live model in person before, but since we are having a
party at the house this weekend, I guess you can skip it.” She flashed Brenda a
grin. “I wished you didn’t live so far away though. You could always model here
in New York.”

Brenda had left for the west coast the day after Julia and Sonny had been
married. She hadn’t wanted to be around them to see their happiness. She had
been heartbroken and now almost two years later felt she was able to handle a
visit with her sister.

Brenda shook her head no. “I like it there and I don’t think I could get used to
east coast living again.”

Julia pulled the car into the driveway in front of the ranch-style house she shared
with Sonny. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours. Why don’t you take a bath to
unwind a little.”

“I think I’ll do that.” Brenda got out of the car and watched her sister drive away.
She entered the house and made her way to the master bedroom since the bath
in her guest room was being remodeled. She closed the door and undressed for
her bath.

Later, Brenda emerged from the bath and pulled on a short blue robe. The robe
was meant to be used as a cover up for a swimming suit and was totally
unsuitable for Port Charles weather. She better do some shopping if she was
going to be here for a couple of days. She had forgotten how cold it was in New
York in the winter.

She stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. “Be honest. Would you have
come to see Julia if Sonny hadn’t been out of town on business?” She asked

Brenda couldn’t find the answer to that one. She opened the bathroom door and
stepped into the master bedroom and stopped in her tracks. “Oh!”

His dark hair windblown, Sonny stood in the doorway, his shirt halfway out of his
trousers his tie hanging around his neck. He looked as surprised as she was.

“Brenda! What are you doing here? I thought it was Julia in there.”

“Yo-Your home early.” Slowly recovering from her shock at seeing him, she
realized how revealing the blue robe was and wished she had a towel to hide
behind. There was nothing to do, but make the best of it. “Excuse me, but I...”
she began as she slowly inched her way past him intending to get to her room so
she could get dressed.

As she went by Sonny grabbed her arm. “You haven’t changed at all.” His brown
eyes traveled along Brenda’s body.

Whatever she had felt for him in the past was gone and now she felt annoyed at
his insensitivity. She tried to free herself from his grip only to have Sonny pull her
closer and before she knew what was happening, he was kissing her and not in a
brotherly manner.

After her first moment of disbelief, Brenda struggled to get away from him. The
last thing she wanted was to be in the arms of her sister’s husband. She felt
nothing but anger towards him that he would even touch her after what he had
done to her.

“What in the world is going on here!”

At the sound, Sonny droped his arms from Brenda and she turned to see Julia
standing in the hallway.