"Let's Talk About Love"

We see John pull up to St. Luke's

As John walks into the church the song "Let's Talk About Love" begins to play

Everywhere I go, all the places I've been
Every smile is a new horizon on a land I've never seen
There are people around the world- different faces different names
but there is one true emotion that reminds me we're the same....
Let's talk about love

As John begins to write his wedding vows he remembers the day Belle was born the song continues

rom the laughter of a child to the tears of a grown man
There's a thread that runs right through us all and helps us understand

Then John's thoughts drift back to the time he carried Marlena out of the secret room. He also remembers praying to God, begging him not to take her, away from him and his eyes fill with tears.

As subtile as a breeze-that fans a flicker to a flame
From the very first sweet melody to the very last refrain....

We then see Marlena appear in the doorway. John turns around and their eyes meet. We can feel the electricity between them connect as the song continues....

Let's talk about love
Let's talk about us
Lat's talk about life
Let's talk about trust
Let's talk about love.........

With every step Marlena took towards John her eyes received an extra sense of sparkle which John identified as love and happiness. As the song continued....

It's the king of all who live and the queen of all good hearts
It's the ace you may keep up your sleeve-'til the name is all but lost
But as gentle as the falling leaf on any autumn morn....

John graciously took Marlena's left hand and placed it within his and then he magically traced a heart in her palm. She then repeated the process. They then placed both of their hands together and repeated the words
"Forever and always, in my heart you will be"

As Marlena and John take each other's hands and exit St. Luke's a mysterious shadow is seen watching their every move. As the person leaves St. Luke's a curious piece of paper is seen lying on the floor. It reads: TILL DEATH DO US PART.

John walks Marlena to her car. Marlena breaks the silence.

"You know sweetie, this will be the last night we ever spend apart."

John places his arms around her waist.

"I realize that. After tomorrow I will be able to hold you close every night."

"I love you so much, John."

John kisses Marlena and whispers soft to her

"I love you more."

"John, I think that we should go. We have a HUGE day tomorrow and i still have a lot to do."

"Yes, we should get going. Hey, what do you have to do?"

"You will hopefully find out tomorrow."

John opens Marlena's car door

"My gift. When will I receive my gift??"

Oh Doc, I promise you will receive your *FIRST* gift by the end of the night."

John kisses Marlena goodbye and they both leave