Name: Reggie L. Rolle
Birthday: July 4th
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Attended University of Minnesota
Reggie is the middle child in his family. He has an older brother and younger sister. He is very close to his family.
Ranger Color: Green
Zord: Condor GalactaZord
Damon is a mechanic. He apparently worked on the Astro Megaship, but now he works on Terra Venture.
From the Fox Kids Website:
Damon's wisecracking and playful nature can be deceiving. Although he is always ready with a quick comeback or witty remark, he takes his job as the Green Ranger very seriously. A top-notch mechanic, Damon's knowledge of the Astro Megaship is an invaluable asset to the team. His training as an amateur boxer gives him an extra edge when fighting the forces of evil.
*** BIG THANKS TO JT for use of Reggie and Damon Info. on this site!***
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