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New Valiants Return Home to Face New Challenges

Gamemaster Blade

The player characters have returned to Earth with the assistance of the Rebels and Aieja's cooperation. The return trip involved a few days and there were some opportunities offered to the heroes while on the starship in exchange for Aieja's cooperation, which she eagerly gave. The heroes have learned that they were the "guests" of the Ascibarri Empire (pronounced: ask-e-bar-e). They were on the Starship that belonged to the Crystal House of the Ascibarri Regency, one of the five ruling houses of their nobility.

The following skills are available to purchase as the characters will have access to people and equipment that will teach them.

Language: Ascibarri Max level: Fluent w/accent
KS: Ascibarri Culture Max level: Background Skill 11- (2 pts)
KS: Ascibarri Rebellion Max level: Familiarity
High Society Max level: Familiarity
WF: Ascibarri Weapons Max level: Familiarity (2 pts)

In addition, those who wish to may also purchase a 1 point Favor from the Ascibarri Rebellion.

Aieja will receive several large boxes to take with her, the contents of which she will not reveal to the group at large, but which she may reveal to specific individuals in private if requested. Upon their return, the characters discover that while they were in space, one year has passed on Gold Coast City and there have been some changes…

Arnold S. is the new Governor-Elect of California, the Bush Administration is still searching for those awful Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, the Gold Coast Citizens Action Team (G-Cats) are available for hire and are rumored to have expanded their membership to 12, Spiral Investments has purchased Astral Engineering, and there are four Ions (Black, Gold, Green, and Silver) all of whom are vigilantes wanted for murder.

In addition, Jack Blanchard is the (elected) Chief of Police and married to Adrianna Smythe-Blanchard the CEO of Smythe-Ohara Biochemical. Alexander Collick has followed his famous parents into scientific research and is a Junior Associate in Omni R&D, while he studies for his Doctorate. His wife, Jessie Collick, has also joined the company as Dr. Elizabeth Collick's personal secretary.

The Pioneers and their chief rivals, the San Francisco Giants, are both contenders for the championship of the National League West.