Hello, welcome, I am San'aelne, am am the head
stallion to The Clan of the Silver Tiger!
This is the Clan's home page, I hope that you
are here because you want to join! If you do
please sign the guest book! This is all that is in
the clan right now, but there is soon to be more!

This is me, the head Stallion

This is the Head Mare, Nianth'paih

Name: San'aelne (Dear Love)
Lead Stallion

Age: adult
Sire: Kira'yap
Dam: Sk'sa'nih
Clan: Golden moon/Silver Tiger
Tribe: ?
Mane Color: black
Markings: solid yellow
Mate: Nianth'paih
Offspring: None

Name: Nianth'paih
(Wind Breeze)
Lead Mare

Age: Adult
Sire: Simiahron
Dam: Azinth
Clan: Black Dove/Silver Tiger
Tribe: Air
Mane Color: light yellow
Markings: Gray, black and white
Mate: San'aelne
Offspring: None


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