Have you been watching too much BtVS?

I've read and enjoyed several pages like this one - and always thought: well, I couldn't possibly think up so many points as they have - come along and watch me surprise myself. Scary enough, I've done all of these things. But that doesn't mean I'm obsessed - does it? If a scary amount of the points here fit your profile - don't panic - I mean, it's not like you *can* watch to much BtVS....


The media

-You send several letters to a major television channel demanding they start airing Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (I'm Swedish, if you didn't know that already)

-Encourage others to do the same

-When the series finally starts airing - you put up notes around your lockers reminding everyone that they *have* to check out the new show starting on Sunday, February 13, 17.00

-Promote the show on your homepage under : "Great news for all Swedes!"

-Watch every episode notoriously, recording them even though you already have them on tape - and know all the lines.

-Suggest an Internet magazine do a 'star-bio' on Sarah Michelle Gellar (www.allamedia.com)

-Help write it


In School

-People you only have a few classes with, and hardly know you, already knows what's about to happen in the next season (Hi Louise)

-You team up with a class-mate and plan to terrorize the school by putting up posters with 'quote of the week from BtVS' (Hi Maria)

-Search for 'slay-speak' on the 'Net

-Try to find appropriate times to use your new-found knowledge -even though English isn't your first language

-Write Buffy-quotes all over your notebooks - and your friend's too.

-Use the show as a basis for writing a term-paper in Psychology - and get an A on it because of the extensive research.

-Prioritize writing this list to finishing a term-paper whose grade decide whether or not you get into college



-Use Buffy's hairstyles as often as possible

-Cut your hair like her

-Dye it as well

-Search every store in your hometown for a lipstick called 'peach'

-When you find it's impossible - you go to your capital city in hopes of finding that particular lipstick

-Base your prom-dress' appearance on Buffy's (Prophecy Girl)


Other things than Buffy...

-You watch every movie with Sarah Michelle starring - even if it's just a supporting role, or even if she's an extra

-Can't help but like her in evil characters, because you know in your heart that Buffy's not like that

-Become genuinly upset when she won't fight like Buffy in her horror movies -with all her powers, she shouldn't have to die, you know...

-BtVS is responsible for your watching Sabrina-the Teenage Witch and Xena-Warrior Princess (mentioned in The Witch and Halloween)


-Buy videotapes over the Internet from another country when you don't have the patience to wait for your own country to start airing the new seasons - check out BOL.com (UK)

-Keep telling yourself that it's worth it to spend half a month's rent on Buffy-tapes even though you don't have a VCR at home and you have to go home to your parents to watch the tapes...