Height:5'11" Weight:320 pd. Age:15 Fav. Wrestlers:Undertaker, Mikey Whipwreck Finisher:Manic Depession Music:"All Wrong" God Lives Underwater BMF Champion
Highlights:Beating Dusk, Becoming BMF Champ and Being Hit with every Type Weapon
Story: Starting as a Mankind Wannabe He Quickly Went from Jobber to being feared due to his mental break down. After Extremist pushed "Mankind" To the Edge. He Turned into Manic and Started Attacking anyone. After being offered a title at K.W.F, Manic quickly quit E.W.F. and Beat all of the Ranks of K.W.F now P.W.F. At the Extreme Danger Show. Manic Made a Shady deal with E.W.F. to join Them and help out Dusk and Attacked Extremist and Started a huge Feud with Extremist. n he is now pur evil. Now getting BMF Title From bing the last FTW Champ Manic only is more insane.