<BGSOUND SRC="AML-Falling_Away_From_Me.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Weight:122 pd.
Fav. Wrestlers:Raven and Sting
Music:"Falling Away From Me" By Korn

Highlights:Becoming World Champ after Out lasting the whole Ewf/Pwf. Being Powerbombed throw over 20 tables.

Being From Dayton, Ohio he was already truly extreme. Basing his style on such wrestlers as Rob Van Dam and Raven. He is truly to be feared  his deadly D.K.O. (Dusk Knock-out).Being a three time champion his style has only gotten better with time his feud and friendship with Extremist is only over viewed by their matches. such as flaming tables, doors and barbed wire. Has been only a few thing they've used. Dusk dosn't  wanna be one of those wrestlers that goes through a match just on beating his opponent with weapons he would rather show his skills. Whats to come?

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