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It's time to give my poor neglected website a new face! This face is that of the lovely Ayumi Hamasaki! She is so gorgeous! Anyways, I said I was giving this site life, so look forward (not that anyone besides myself actually finds this site) to actual updates! I'm not too sure as to what content I want to put in this site but... ^^;; yeah.

Currently Into

Ayumi Hamasaki No More Words
Avril Happy Ending
Seether Broken
Dido White Flag


Layout: Katie
Found at: DayDream Graphics
Images: Ayumi Hamasaki.ORG
Content: Glass Rose



New layout. Yeah, it's pink, but it's pretty! I'm deleting the other pages I created, so I can remake this webasite from scratch. Honestly, I'm not too sure how to create a person website. I get the graphics and such, it's just the content I question. I used to say I would start an anime trading thing, but I realize I'm too lazy to actually do that. I guess I can dedicate a portion of the site to my EGL hobby, and then a section to my drawings, yeah, a page or two to my favorite anime... Hm...

About This Layout

This layout features the gorgeous Ayumi Hamasaki. Ah... She is just so... pretty! I wish I could look like her >>;;. At least it isn't an anime layout right?