Finding You

This is inspired by Jennifer Day's "What if its me?"

Hello is anyone there
Did you notice I cut my hair
You use to like it like this
Hey how 'bout those Braves
And how 'bout a kiss

I'm shakin' I'm so afraid
Your heart is light years away
And you're just starin' through me looking for more
What do you see

Just over there the grass is so green
Out of your reach lay all of your dreams
You're looking to find
Your destiny
What if it's me

Who was the one all along
The greatest thing you did wrong

You've gotta see for yourself
If there's somebody else

Just over there the grass is so green
Out of my reach lay all of your dreams
You're searching to find
Your destiny
What if it's me

I don't know what else to say
You're going to leave anyway
But if it's all a mistake
And you want me someday
I hope it's not too late

Just over there the grass is so green
Out of your reach lay all of your dreams
The love of your life
Your destiny
What if it's me

Roz just told me she was glad that SHE didn't tell me he loved me. Dr. Crane (Frasier) did. He let it slip out that Dr. Crane (Niles) loved me. Why did Dr. Crane tell??No...the OTHER Dr. Crane had to tell me.

"Hello, Daphne," Dr. Crane said to me as he came into Dr. Crane's apartment.

"I have to take out the trash," I said. I then realized I was empty handed. "Its in me pockets." I ran to the lift.

"Daphne, you need to relax." Roz said in the lift. "Look tomorrow, you and I'll go out."

"The party isn't for a few more hours. Lets just go out. Please Roz?"

"Do you wanna skip the party altogether?

"Dr. Crane wants us there."

"Which one?"

"The old one." We snickered at the joke. Dr. Crane is getting more like his father and neither one can see it, although everyone else does. "Lets get our hair done."


It was a few months after the party that I noticed Donny staring at Mel. What has she got? How COULD Niles Love her? Doony and I are getting married in three weeks and he doesn't love me and I am so in love with Niles. Niles can't POSSIBLY love that scronny little ice princess.

"I want it a little bit below my shoulders," I told the hair dresser. "So that its wavy and I want to dye it a bit darker. Just a light brown." The man smiled at me.

"So what's his name, Honey?" he asked, with a lisp. I might try to get him and Dr. Crane(Frasier) together as a getting even thing. "Must be special....almost 5 inches of hair....."

"His name is Niles, but he is with someone, and I'm engaged to someone else."

"Sound like hell! Shall we spill?" He whirled me around once and began cutting as I told the story. I started with me transvestite Uncle in San Fansisco and ended with the night before. "Tell him Daphne! What have you got to loose?"

"A best friend."

"If he's your best pal, then he won't turn his back on you." I smiled at him. He was right. Niles was in love with me for seven years and has been nothing but a gentleman. "And its not Niles I'd be worried about. Its Donny." I felt my heart shatter. "Look, Daph, you love him. Tell him. I say let your hair decide." With that said, he whirled me around. My hair looked fabulous.


"Hi, Daph. Listen I have to cancel our plans tonight. You understand, right?" Donny asked me from behind a load of papers.

"Donny, we were supposed to meet your parents tonight. After what happened with the laundry, I need a chance to make it up to them." He looked at me. I hope he likes my hair. "Do you like it?"

"Like what?" He stared at me a good 5 minutes.

"Nothing. I have to go." I left his apartment and began running. I could feel me eyes burning. Why am I crying? He is just too busy to notice. I got to the car and sat there. After a few moments, I calmed down and drove over to see Niles. He loved my hair like this. Donny did too, but he didn't care.

I thought about all the complements, kindnesses, hugs, and everything else that he did. He loved me and I didn't even notice. The psychologist told me that I should think about who I love. Niles or Donny. And each time I came to the sme conclusion. Niles.


When I opened the door, I noticed her hair right away. I always liked it like that. It framed her face so well. She had been crying.

"Daphne, come in. Are you alright?"

"Hullo, Dr. Crane. I hate him," she began sobbing. I took her in my arms and let her cry on my Armani. It didn't matter. She was hurting, and I was hurting for her.

"If its about your hair, he'll learn to love it. It looks wonderful." I looked into her eyes and saw a new gleam that I only felt when I saw her. "Its beautiful. I always liked it like this. It frames your face and brings out your eyes." The more I talked about her hair, the happier she looked.

"Dr. Crane, I'm leaving Donny." My heart skipped. "I'm not in-love with him. I know its crazy and you'll tell me its just pre wedding jiters, but I can't marry him."

"Are you sure about this?" What am I saying? I finally have a chance. However wrong it may be, I have to one day tell her! "What every you decide to do, I'll support your decision."

"Niles, I don't love him." She looked up at me with wide eyes. She called me Niles. "I'm sorry, Dr. Crane." I smiled.

"Please, call me Niles. It sounds nice with your accent."

"Donny always wanted me to tone down my accent. He said if I'm going to be a high class wife, I need to sound like one?

"He said that!?!? Its so beautiful! Its who you are, and if he doesn't like it, he isn't worthy of you, Darling." Did I say Darling? "Sorry, Daphne." She smiled.

"Really, Niles, Darling is okay." It was there that we kissed. I pulled away first. Why? I don't know.

"Daphne, I can't. Not when you are vunerable like this. I don't want to take advantage of you. I would be a cad if I did." Daphne looked down. Hurting her was not my intention, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

"Dr. Crane, I've got to go."

"Please wait. Hear me out. Daphne, I do care about you." I gently took her arm and lead her to the couch. We sat close together, so close her sweet breath was warming my face.

"I know. Your brother let it slip. He was on those pills for his back. Totally shnockered. I was a bit upset that you didn't tell me.....because I really am in-love with you. Donny's being a jerk has nothing to do wiith it. I just want you to know that I love you, Dr. Crane." I HAVE to be dreaming. NO real lofe ssituation EVER turns out like this.

"Dpahne, you knew? You love me?" I held her close and smelled her hair again. She knew I was doing this because as I did so, she hugged me tighter. "I'm going to leave Mel tonight. We can start seeing eachother when ever you're ready. If you want to wait a little while after you and Donny are over with ,I'll be terrific with that. What ever makes you happy-" To silence my rambling, Daphne kissed me again. I wasn't dreaming. Dreams aren't this real. Daphne loves ME!


She did it. She left me. Daphne left me....for Niles Crane. Oh well. If it makes her happy, then all I can do is move on. There are plenty of other women. I just know I'm never going to meet someone like her again. She was my Juliette. I guess thats how things go, ya know?

"Hiya Daph." Daphne jumped in surprise. Terrific.

"Hullo Donny. I just came to pick up a few things." I don't beleive it. She finds it akward. I love her and she fears me.

"Daph, wait a minute." She looked up at me. "Look, I just wanna know something. Are you happy with Niles?"

"Yes, very happy."

"Then is there any reason we can't be friends? Because I need some advice." I felt a little strange about asking her about love, but oh well.

"Whats wrong?"

"Well, while I was in Bosten last week, right after you left me, I met this really great girl. She has a twelve year old son. Great kid, although, he reminds me of Frasier...."

"Tell me about the girl."

"Her name is Lilith...."

The End? We'll see...........