Things Ignored

Title: Things Ignored Rated: PG Author: Megan Faye Disclaimer: I don't own House.

When Cameron told him that the she was pregnant, House congratulated her on the new little parasite. It wasn't until she'd asked him to Lamaz that he'd felt the reality of the situation; he was going to be a father. A one night stand turned into a life-time of fatherhood that House decided quickly to accept, lest Cuddy, Chase and Wilson hang him from the roof and revoke his Vicodin.

Severl uneventful monthes of 'The baby moved!' and 'The baby kicked,' had drawn out the softer side of the team. Most of the team. House smiled lightly to the young woman, so excited by her stomach bulge. 'She delusional,' he thought to himself.

Final, in the middle of trying to diagnose a patient, Cameron looked uncomfortable. Granted, at 9 months pregnant, who would actually BE comfortable? She grabbed at her back saying something about contractions. House helped her waddle to the maternity ward.

Greg House held the squirming, bloody infant in his arms and stood straight as he could. "Allison, we have a daughter," he said with delight. He had a daughter. Allison Cameron looked into the man's eyes. He was crying. House was in-love.

The only other time Allison saw him cry was 3 days shy of her first birthday, when the baby uttered her first word, "Dada."

His favorite part of the day was putting the girl down for nap. She's yawn, stretch in the middle of Mommy and Daddy's bed and Greg would ease her into sleep by rubbing her back, curling his fingers in her silky hair and singing soft versions of his favorite classic rock songs. Every time he would lay her down, as she would doze, he's notice that the two-year-old had Mommy's chin, Mommy's nose, Mommy's hair, and Mommy's smile.

It wasn't until just after her 2nd birthday that she looked up at him in the middle of his comparison.

He finally noticed as his world came crashing down around him.

She had Wilson's eyes.