Our New Beginning - April 29. 1999

Josh: Everything's gonna be okay, sweetheart.

Reva: I know, Bud.

Josh: Picture it. Close your eyes. It's our wedding day. It's the garden at the Country Club, it's beautiful. Cherry blossoms have just began to bloom as if they were waiting for this very moment. Our friends are there, our family's there, everyone who loves us. We have more love surrounding us in this moment than any two people are entitled to. I'm waiting for you. I'm almost afraid of the moment you're gonna come walking down the aisle...because I have never known of or seen or heard of a love with the intesity that our love has. And all of that intensity is gonna be focused on us in that moment. And it will be one of the most incredible days of our lives. It'll be our new beginning.

Reva: Our new beginning. I like the sound of that.

Josh: Eyes closed. It's our time, Reva. Our love has been tested over and over again. It's never failed us. And we're gonna spend the rest of our lives celebrating.

We're Gonna have A Wise Wedding - April 27, 1999

Reva: This house is full of so much love.

Josh: It's so full of love we're gonna have to add on a whole other wing just to handle it.

Reva: And I love you.

Josh: And I'm crazy about you.

Reva: I'm so glad. And I thank God for that everyday. But you know what I want to concentrate on right now? I wanna concentrate on getting us married. We're gonna have the most memorable wedding ever.

Josh: Ya know it's gonna be pretty hard to beat the last one.

Reva: Well I know, but if we put our minds together...

Josh: That's right, and that's exactly what we're gonna do. We're gonna put our minds together and that'll be a good thing because now we're...what?

Reva: Older. That's what you wanted to say. You wanted to say we're older.

Josh: No, no we're wiser. We're wiser now.

Reva: Wiser! And that's what this wedding is gonna be about.

Josh: We're gonna have a wise wedding. Exactly.

Reva: This wedding is going to be about who we are and what we will be. We're gonna celebrate our future.

Josh: May we have more time together and less time looking for each other.

Reva: Amen to that!

Josh: May we have a much brighter, happier, more wonderful future with less...

Reva: Danger?

Josh: ...potentially lethal stuff happening.

Reva: That's right.

Josh: Yeah! We've been through a lot haven't we?

Reva: Yes and we're still standing.

***Cont'd...Honeymoon Plans In the making***

Josh: Wait, stop. Hold that thought. I have something here.

Reva: Uh oh! What do you have?

Josh: Potential honeymoon spots. Right here.

Reva: Oooh, do they all come with a bed?

Josh: Every single one of them...come here.

Reva: That's good. Just what I wanted to hear. I'll leave the details to you.

Josh: Let's see, we've got a cruise.

Reva: That sounds good. Feels good, too.

Josh: We got a beach...mountains.

Reva: Mountains. Like I said, it's your choice.
{Reva nibbles on his ear}

"When Was The Last Time We Got Married?" - Towers March 26 1999

Josh: I'm gonna marry you again. When was the last time we got married before? What was it? Six months ago? Ten years ago? I'm not gonna let you get away from me again.

Reva: Well, ten years yeah. Can you believe it's been ten years since our wedding at Cross Creek?

Josh: Well, yes I can believe it if I think about all the stuff we've gone through.

Reva: Hard to believe we're still here huh?

Josh: Nothing's really changed has it? You're still as beautiful as you were the day you stepped off that rowboat and took my hand.

Reva: And you're just as handsome. And the words that we said to each other that day are even more true today.

Josh: Reva Shayne, I have loved you since the day I was born. And I will love you til the day I die. Marry me.

Reva: I think I'd like that.

Marriage Proposal - March 2, 1999

Josh: I'll marry you every day of the week, every week of the year. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. You're my life. Reva Shayne, will you do me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?

Reva: I would really love to marry you, Joshua Lewis...always.

Christmas - 1997

Josh: I just wanted to tell you something. First of all, I love being here with our family, it's really great. But, you know where I'd rather be?

Reva: Where?

Josh: Someplace with you alone, making love on this our first decent Christmas together in a long time. Now does that make me a bad father?

Reva: No, that makes you a great husband.

Blackout - Summer 1997

Josh: Now if you wanna play another game we could play three minutes to heaven. Remember that? Ya go in the closet and ya kinda trade clothes.

Reva: I'll give you three minutes to heaven.

Josh: Will you?

Reva: Come here!

Josh: Well I'm thinking we only have about 2 1/2 minutes left so why don't we change the rules?

Reva: Yeah?

Josh: How's this? I take off your clothes, you take off my clothes and we leave our clothes off for the rest of our lives.

Reva: Why am I not surprised, Bud?

Josh: Because you know me too well.

Reva: I could never know you too well.

Josh: Have I told you yet that I love you?

Reva: I think you told me once, when you had that straight flush earlier.

Josh: Yeah? Well, I think I'm getting another straight flush.

Reva: I can see that.

Josh: You know something? You're fun.

Reva: You're fun, too. You are a hell of a lot of fun.

Josh: I love you.

Reva: I love you, too.

Josh: I love you more.

Reva: You always have to one up me don't you?

Josh: Always, yes.

Reva: Always is right.

Josh's Famous Pick-up Line @ Towers - June 1997

Josh: Excuse me...I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?

Reva: Well thank you very much, but I can handle buying my own drinks.

Josh: Oh now come on now, a sweet, sexy thing like you sittin' here all alone, that's a crime.

Reva: You look like a married man to me.

Josh: No, no, no, not married, separated. In fact the divorce is gonna be going through any minute now.

Reva: Oh yeah,{LOL} I've heard that one before.

Waiter: Way to go.

Reva: Oh ya know, I don't know though. He's awfully good looking.

***Next Scene***

Josh: You see, the thing is...I just called my home and everything's quiet there, so I have a lot of free time on my hands.

Reva:  Oh...Gee...I don't know...

Waiter: Trust me stay away from him.

Josh:  No, No, No, Now don't listen to him. I'm thinking that we could go some place a little bit more secluded.

Reva:  Umm...That sounds nice.

Josh:  Yeah...Maybe we could get a little friendlier. How would that be?

Waiter: Take a hike.

Reva:  Oh no, no, no... Really it's OK. I've got a good feeling about this guy.

Josh:  A good feeling. That's a good thing. Excuse us please.{to the waiter}

Reva: Thank you. {to the waiter} You haven't changed a bit. You're still a silver tongued devil.

Josh:  How could I not be...with a sexy lady like you and by the way, I wasn't kidding about getting friendlier, I booked us a suite. I figured we'd need a lot of space.



Reva: SHHH...{EG}

Josh: So what's the deal...you want to come with me?

Reva: Now what kind of woman do you take me for?

Josh: I know exactly what kind of a woman you are. That's why I love you so much!

Jova At Reva's House Before The FAMOUS PARTY Scene - May 1997

Josh: I've never seen you look more beautiful.

Reva: It's because I've never been happier.

Josh: What's going on? What is this? {Reva has tears in her eyes}

Reva: I think... I've just... missed doing things for you. I've missed tying your ties. I've missed straightening your jackets. I've just missed doing all those little things that you don't even think about most of the time.

Josh: I've missed laughing with you.

Reva: You mean arguing with me.

Josh: Oh yeah! You had some pretty good smart aleck remarks.

Reva: Well, you had a few yourself.

Josh: I've missed looking at you.

Reva: Me too... I love your face.

Josh: I've missed going places with you and the children and the way that... that you turn everything into such a crazy adventure... no matter what it is... going to the zoo. But you know what I've missed the most? I've missed my wife."

Reva: I want to be that for you again.

Reva: ...I would like nothing more than to be able to bolt the door and spend a week in bed making love to you.

Josh: I wasn't even thinking about making it to the bedroom. I was thinking about throwing it right down here on the floor and spending a bit of time. I wanna feel your skin on my skin. I wanna feel your heart beating in your chest. And I wanna hear that little sound you make at the moment...

Reva: No, or we'll never get out of here.

Josh: OK, I'll stop. But I'll never stop loving you.

Reva: Neither will I.

Josh Never Gave Up On His Love For Reva - 1997

Josh: Don't you get it yet? Don't you get it? Reva, this isn’t about wishing. This isn’t about empty words that are going to make both of us feel better. We are going to be together. The way we were supposed to be. The way were always supposed to be. Reva, even when I thought you were dead, I never gave up on us. You can ask anybody that was around then. They’ll tell you. If you don’t wanna believe me, go ahead, go ahead ask them. They tried to tell me that you were dead... that I had to get over you...that I had to get on with my life. And you know something? I put on a pretty good act for a while. I even fooled myself. But I'm gonna tell you this, and this is very real. I never once, not for one minute, ever gave up on our life together. Not where it counts. Not in here {points to his heart} and not here {points to his mind}. You were dead and I didn't give up on us. So I'll be damned if I’m gonna give up on us now. Not now, not when we are so close to being able to hold each other. Not now when we are so close to having everything that we've always wanted. I’ll be damned if we’re not gonna get through this. We’re gonna be together. I swear to you.

Reva: Just kiss me.

Josh: What?

Reva: Just....kiss me.

Reva Thinks Annie Is Her Sister - 1997

Josh: Reva, I love you with all of my heart and soul for a hundred thousand different reasons. I love you because you're smart, and crazy, and you're stubborn, and because you think differently then anyone I have ever known, and I could name a hundred more reasons why I love you.

Josh Tells Reva About How He Searched For Her In Italy - Nov. 1997

Josh: The sun would come up every morning and go down every night and we would hope against hope that we would find you somehow. And then we would go home. Sarah would cry herself to sleep. She didn't think anybody could hear her, but I could hear her. And then when I was sure she was asleep and the kids were asleep, I'd let myself cry too.

Reva:I'm so sorry for everything. I'm sorry for my parents, I'm sorry for the kids. But most of all, I'm sorry for you, Bud.

Josh: I made it. We all did.

Josh: Sarah prayed for you to come back and her prayers were answered.

Reva: What about you, Bud? Were your prayers answered?

Josh: You came back. (Reva rests her head on his chest)

Rooftop - April 1997

Josh: My heart, my happiness, my future is the same as my past, it's you. It always has been, and always will be."

Family Wedding CC'97

Josh: This is a crazy idea but why don't we stay married this time? How would that be?

Reva: Alright!! Only if something does go wrong you have to promise me something. That you won't marry another nutcase because Sonni and Annie caused enough trouble for the rest of our lives. Okay?

Josh: If you kiss me, you've got a deal.

Reva: You've got a deal. It's so good to be in your arms again. And the best part is that we don't have to hide our feelings anymore. We can hold hands in public and we can kiss in public...

Josh: That's right. We can make out whenever the mood strikes us.

Reva: {<<<<>>>>} Why'd you stop?

Josh: I think the mood is striking.

Reva: I know. {VBG}

Josh: This just is not exactly what I had in mind for our wedding night.

Reva: Well I'm game, what did you have in mind?

Josh: I have a whole bunch of good stuff that I'm thinking about...but none of it includes an audience if you know what I'm saying. :-)

Reva: Oh, well why don't we tuck our little darlings into bed and pick up right where we left off?

Josh: I like the way your mind thinks, Mrs. Lewis.

Reva: Thank you Mr. Lewis. Have I ever told you that I do my best thinking while being kissed?

Josh: Well get ready because I am gonna kiss your brains out.

***Next Scene***

Reva: This night has been so wonderful.

Josh: It's not over yet.

Reva: Do you remember when we sent the kids to Tulsa to be with Rusty during the trial?

Josh: No, No, No let's not go there.

Reva: No, I have to say this. It was a moment when I really thought that I was never going to see them again. And I thought I was saying goodbye to my kids and my freedom. The one man I've loved since the moment I ever even knew what love was.

Josh: It's in the past. It's over.

Reva: I know. I know that. I just hope that God knows how grateful I am that he answered my prayers and that we're a family again.

Josh: Well...I'll tell you what...you're not the only one who's grateful around here. I did a lot of praying myself. From the moment you disappeared from our lives, I prayed everyday that you would come back to me and the kids.

Reva: I seem to remember you being just a might bit angry at first.

Josh: When you came back? I was angry at myself for giving up and for thinking I could just hand my heart to someone else.

Reva: What was that song? "If I Could Put Time in a Bottle?" If I could, I'd save this moment forever. I would.<<<<>>>>

Reva's Home After The Intervention - Oct. 22, 1996

Josh: Oh boy...You told me that you loved me when you married Buzz.

Reva: Yes. I said that.

Josh: The question I have now is... do you still love me?

Reva: When I drove off that bridge, you moved heaven and earth to find me. You followed every lead, every hunch, every hope for five long years. How could I not love you for that? And you'll always be a piece of who I am. But life goes on.

Josh: I understand.

Reva: There's just all that history, ya know? All that messy, mucked up history and sometimes it gets in the way of life or whatever you want to call it. I mean...how can you possibly go on with your life when I keep stumbling through it like the town drunk? I'm sorry I didn't mean that.

Josh: No, Reva. that's okay. We never mean to hurt each other really, not deep down inside but somehow we always do.

Reva: Always. I've just made such a mess of everything, ya know? I've hurt you and the kids and Annie. And I was wrong to even let you come in here so please just go now. Just go and don't look back. What are you waiting for? Please, just go!

Josh: Reva...

Reva: Look, I know you're mad at me and I don't blame you for being mad at me but please just go.

Josh: Reva, stop! I don't hate you. Sometimes I wish I did hate you. It would make things a whole lot easier.

Reva: But easy was never for us, Joshua.

Josh: I just mean that if I hated you I could just go back to the people that I've hurt and try to clean up this mess we've both made.

Reva: You make it sound like...

Josh: Like what?

Reva: Like you care about me as much as...

Josh: As much as what?

Reva: I don't hate you either, Joshua.

Josh: That's okay. You don't have to say it.

Reva: I never said...

Josh: I know.

Reva: Tell me. Just say it, Bud.

Josh: I'll tell ya something, I remember what that feels like, waiting for you. Wondering where you are and what you doing and who you're with. And all the time wishing that you could be with me instead. Hoping and praying that nothing bad has happened to you.

Reva Left Buzz - 1997

Reva: I love you, Joshua. With my whole heart, I love you. I just couldn't stay with another man, not for another minute I couldn't.....

Marah Ran Away - March 1996

Josh: I'm sorry. I know that must have been very hard for you.

Reva: How could you know? You've never lost anything that meant the world to you.

Josh: Yes, I have. I lost you.

Josh: I can't forget that Cross Creek happened, Reva. I can't forget what it was like to hold you in my arms again. I can't forget what it was like to kiss you again...

Reva: Marah's out there waiting. She's waiting for you and she wants to go home.

Josh: The reason I walked out on you at Cross Creek, Reva, was because I couldn't face how much I still want you. I was scared. I'm sorry I walked out, I am. Reva, I lost you once I can't lose you again. <<<<<>>>>>

New Year's Eve - 1995

Reva: I'm alive and I'm here. I'm flesh and I'm blood. I'm the same Reva that you loved before I went off that bridge. Please tell me that you know it's me, that I'm right here with you. <<<<>>>>

What's between us is no more dead then I am, it never will be Joshua. Time can't touch what we have. Then and now, it's the same as it always was, it's stronger then ever. We're two halves of a whole. We're each other's destiny. We always were, we always will be.

Wedding Vows July 17, 1989

Josh: Well, here we are. I don't know that there's anything left that we haven't already said to each other. A couple of hours ago I tried to think of something. I went down to the river by that big old rock we used to dive off of. Do you remember that? And I sat there and I tried to come up with some words but all I really got were pictures. It was like having my whole life flash before my eyes and you were always there. Right up there in front. I remembered the first time I ever saw you, the first time you ever came into our house. I believe I threw a softball at you. And I believe you chased me around with a bat after that. Pretty little girl with a real long blonde braid running down the length of her back. I was six years old and I fell in love. And now it's hard for me to remember a time that I didn't love you. It's hard for me to imagine a season without you in it. And I thank God that I don't have to think about a time when you won't be there. I love you, Reva. And I love our little girl. And from this moment on we are going to be the family that we were always meant to be. The family that we always were. Always, Reva.

Reva: Always, Bud. Well, I looked out today and I saw everybody, all the people that I've loved all my life. The sky so blue and that sweet smell coming off the river. And for a split second I thought this is heaven, or this is what heaven is gonna be like. And then I looked at you, Bud. And I said, "No. This is our wedding day." This is the day where the past meets the future. Right here, right now. I feel so full now, and so blessed. And you're right. There isn't much we haven't said to each other. We've made promises to each other ever since we were kids. And I'm gonna make the biggest promise that I've ever made to you right now. The rest of my life is yours. I wanna give you a home...a home that will feel like a safe harbor in a storm. Because giving to you is what makes me feel full. And I think that's the way it's supposed to be. I love you, Bud.

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