JT stood alone in the room she shared with Dane. In her hand she held a framed picture. Her face was masked in sadness and a tear slipped down her cheek as she gazed at the photo. The occupants of the picture stood with smiling faces amongst a grove of trees in a park, all dressed in regulation Navy Blues, JT stood between her mentors James Currin and Dale Hawkins, behind them stood Bill Graham, Romos, and Rexer flanked by Leary and Dane.

So engrossed in the photo JT paid no attention to Dane as he entered the room. Seeing the hurt look on her face Dane walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. JT stood unresponsive just staring at the photo she had kept in her possession for years.

Dane glanced down at the photo and a touch of sadness swept over him as well, he leaned down and gently kissed the side of JT's head and hugged her to him wanting to comfort her.

"Do you remember when we had this taken?" JT asked softly.

"Yup," Dane answered giving her a gentle squeeze.

"The day you got sworn into the team. We went to that park for a picnic and celebrate then we all proceeded to get plastered." he smiled remembering the fun they had had on that day.

"We did get wasted didn't we." JT said as a small smile crossed her lips as well.

" And we paid for it the next day as I recall. Dane almost laughed. "Got called out on your first real mission that morning."

"Currin wasn't sure I was gonna be able to handle it in my condition." she continued to remanice "And Hawkins made me that ungodly concoction then made me drink all of it on our way to the comand center." She chuckled. "Damn near made me loose my cookies." she shuddered with the remembrance of the nasty taste it had left in her mouth. "But it did the trick. Hawkins never once lost faith in me. And Currin told me later when we got back he knew he hadn't made a mistake, told me he was proud of me. " She said with a lingering melancholy.

"He was right." Dane spoke proudly "you showed us all you could drink us under the table and get right up and kick some ass."

"I couldn't have done it with out them." JT said as a touch of anger replaced her sadness and she moved out of Danes embrace and set the picture down on the small table next to the cot that served as their bed.

"You know, Currin never once let me quit. And when I screwed up Hawkins was always there to help get me out of it." She roughly wiped the stray tear from her cheek. "All the hell we've all been threw and Hawkins gets it saving that wimpy hooch from some damn alien." JT picked up her tan bomber jacket and threw it on then grabbed her rifle from the top of the bed and slung it over her shoulder.

"It wasn't Maggies fault JT." Dane said coming to Maggies defence. "Is that what your problem is with her? You blame her for Hawkins death?" Dane seemed a little shocked that JT could be feeling this way.

"Well isn't that what happened?" JT barked. "He bit it when you guys grabbed her from some assembly line. That's what You told me."

"Jo" Dane spoke with a sympathetic tone.

JT whirled around and glared at him. Dane was the only one who ever got away with calling JT by her given name and then he usualy only pronouncing the first two letters.

"You've got to let this hurt go girl before it eats you up. You can't keep taking it out on Maggie. Hawkins is dead, it was no ones fault but those damn snakes. I know you well enough to know you understand that." Dane scolded.

JT just looked at him then spat "Maybe, but if he wouldn't have been saving her sorry ass he'd still be alive." With that she picked up her ammo pack and stomped out of the room to meet Leary and the others before they set off on their recon mission.

"JT!" Dane called after her wanting to continue their discussion. But JT had already exited the room. "This ain't over girl." he said to himself as he snatched his rifle from where it leaned against the wall then grabbed his ammo bag and slung it over his shoulder and hurried off to catch up with JT and the others.