Tari relaxed sitting on the window seat in front of her dinning area's bay windows. The sunlight felt warm and intoxicating. She leaned back against the wall as she lifted one foot up and proped it in front of her,Revling in the stillness as she enjoyed her morning coffe and and recounted the events of last night at her mothers party.

A small smile crossed her lips as she thought about the handsome visiter she had met there. Martin. Both had felt uncomfortable at such festivitys and had left the party for a stroll. They had walked along the streets of her mothers neighborhood for what seemed like hours. His kind gental manor had rekindled in Tari a feeling she had long since thought dead with the passing of her Feionce Marc, in Vietnam.Tari had been a young impresionable girl of seventeen,Marc was her brothers age and her first love. He had died at the end of the war in the last major offensive before all the troups were pulled out,Only days before he was to be sent home. She had been devistaed by his death and had vowed never to fall in love again. Ten years later she had still managed to keep that vow Despite her mothers and her big brothers proding.

Though veg about his own work other than telling her he was head of security aboard the Los Angels mother ship, Martin had seemed intreged when Tari had told him about her work at the Aqarium.She'd invited him to visit one day soon. Excitment had serged threw her when he'd accepted the invitaion.She hoped it would be today that he would take her up on the offer. She found her self dieing to see him again.

*Tareesa Cathleen Donovan* she chastized herself. *He's from another planet for god's sake.* she had to laugh at her self. All these years alone dodging her mothers constant attempts to introduce her to a suitable young man, And here one night she meets a man from another planet and is imedetly smitten. *you must be crazey Tari* she thought to herself. Still,There was no denieing the attraction.Yes,he was handsome, Gorgeous blond hair,devistating green eyes, a darker shade of green than her brothers,mysteriuos eye's.eyes that semed to look beyond meir physicality into the deep regions of her very soul.And his smile, The gental shy smile that had made Taris heart leap to her stomich every time he would break into that smile. But there was somthing more than a physical attraction. Somthing mysteriuos and unexplainable.She had to admit,it felt good to have these feelings again.It made her giddy as a school girl yet freightened.

Tari shook herself from her daydreaming and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. Eight O clock, it was time she got around to getting ready for work. She was due at the Aqarium at nine thirty. Drinking down the last bit of coffe from her mug Tari stood,walking to the sink she set the empty cup there and headed for the shower.

******************That afternoon*********************

Martin steered the shuttle craft tword the Los Angelous aqarium. All the while trying to make sense of the strange feeling of glea he felt at the thought of seeing the human girl he had met last night.Tari Donovan, she was beutiful,Unlike anyother female he had ever met. Her tender warmhearted manor facinated him beyond words. She was not what he had expected. And the way he felt around her confused him. He had met her only once,yet he felt strangly drawn to her. Her blue eye's were like the ocean,her dark brown hair setting off the delecate features of her face.Her timid smile captivated him, making him want to smile in return..Her enthusiasum for her work intreeged him. Curisoty overwhelmed him as he thought about these strange feelings and he wanted to explore them further."Make freinds." His supieriors had told him. And What was the harm. He had already had missgivings about taking this planet and it's people the way the leader had propossed. He rationalized that Maybe getting to know the inhabitants would help him in his quest to find another way.

Setting the craft down not far from the gate it gave out a low moan as the power slowly subsided to a hault.The shuttle doors opened and Martin nervously exited the. Putting on his dark glasses and Taking a deep breath,letting it out he started off in route with the directions Tari Donovan had given him last night.

Martin made his way to the back as Tari had instructed.He stood close enough to the buliding that he could see but was unseen by others. He watched with curiosity as Tari gave the dolphins several difrent hand signals that they seemed to understand and react to. The small crowd applauded each time the dolphins preformed thier trick. And Tari rewarded them with a small fish.

Once the preformance was over Martin made his presense known.He steped out from the side of the building as Tari and Randolph walked tword him.

Tari stoped in mid step,her heart pounded with excitement. Protectivly Randolph steped infront of her. He didnt trust these new visiters. He'd seen nothing to make him distrust them,but on the other hand had yet to see somthing that would make him trust them either. He wasnt thrilled to find one standing here in *his* Aqarium.

"Just who the hell are you?" he asked a touch of anger eminating from his tone."And what are you doing back here?"

"It's alright Randolph." Tari spoke up as she moved around to her assitants side and gently touched his arm hoping to calm him.He'd always looked out for her,taking on the fatherly roll.

"This is Martin. He's a freind. WE met at my mothers party last night.I envited him here." She said calmly looking at Martin and relaesing a small smile.

"I mean no harm." Martin quickly put in.The man before hims gaze making him even more nervouse than he already was.

Randolph took in a deep breath as he relaxed his gaurd.He flashed Tari a warning look then resumed his steps tword the attendents building.

Martin let a relieved sigh escape hoping it had gone unoticed by Tari.He watched as the man entered the building then returned his gaze tword Tari.

"I'm sorry,I didnt mean to cause any uneaseyness with your freind." he applogized."If this is a bad time I could..."

"Oh no..it's fine realy."Tari intrupted smiling shyly. "Randolphs always been a little over protective. somtimes he's worse than my brother."

"I see."Martin smiled back."

They were both silent for a moment niether of them knowing just what to say.Their eyes locked Martin suddenly uneasey broke the silence.

"I was watching you with the dolphins they seem to understand you."he said looking away tword the dolphin tank.

Tari smiled and shifted her gaze to them as well.

"Somtimes i think they do.Come on. I'll introduce you to them."

Martin fallowed her to the edge of the tank.

Tari called to her dolphins. "Cindy..Sally...c'mon girls i want you to meet a freind."

The dolphins attitude was much difrent than what Martin had seen just a few mineuts ago. They jumped and splashed,coming over to the edge and clapped thier jaws making inaudible chirping noises. They slapped thier tails against the water in agitaed way. Tari jumped back and pulled Martin with her. A stunned and confused expresion on her face.

"I.I dont know whats wrong with them.they've never acted like this before."

Martin glanced warily at Tari then back to the angered mamles. he was afraid he knew what the problem was.It was him.

"Perhaps an introduction would be better at another time."he said Trying to dismiss the uncomfortable situation."I was hoping you could show me around.as you mentioned last night?"

Tari smiled her thoughts reverted from the dolphins strange behavior.

"Sure,I'll...just go change. I wont be long."

Martin nodded his understanding.

Tari hurred to the locker room. She pulled the ponytail tie from her hair and brushed the shoulder length strands until she was satisfied with the out come. then fluffed and hair sprayed to make it stay as she wanted. Quickly she checked her make up, reapplieing as nessasary,then threw off the pink and grey spandex shorts jumpsuit replacing it with a pair of straightleg blue jeans and white tank top she tucked into her pants.She sliped on her socks and pulled her white sneakers on just as quickly.Standing she grabed her levi jacket and put it on. Giving her self a once over check in the mirror satisfyed it was the best she could do with what she had at the moment. she smiled excitedly then turned and snached up her wallet from inside her backpack and hurried out of the locker room. She was in such a bustle as she scureid from the room she didnt see Randolph waiting outside the door.

"Woa there girl." he said grabing hold of her arm. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

Tari staired at him for a moment startled at his sudden apperence.Then she flashed him a huge grinn.

"I have a date."

"What!?"Randolph almost belowed "With the man from mars?" he let go of her arm.

"Randolph!"Tari scolded looking around to be sure Martin had not been in ear shot.

Randolph let out a heavy sigh.deciding to keep his opinons to himself."Just becareful Tari"

Tari smiled at him and gave him a peck on the cheek. "I'll be fine.Thanks for careing." With that she raced out of the building.

****A few hours later*****

"Tari!" Randolph called out as he saw her approaching. "Phone, they say it's important." Tari rushed inside. As she hung up the phone she ran into the back and grabed her back pack from the locker room.

"Randolph,can you get Rae to handle the late afternoon show?"she sounded worried.

"Ya sure."Whats up?" he asked concerned.

"I dont know." Tari answered bewildered herself as she searched her bag for her car keys "Maggie didnt show up at the health club And Jim and Marla arn't home.I need to get down there and get things straightened out."

"Ok." Randolph agreed. "We can handle things here for the rest of the day."

Tari thanked him and hurried off.


Once she reached Shamrocks Pride she quickly took charge. Setting up classes and calling in extra instructers. She taught her regular class plus took on one of Maggies as well. By the time things had settled down,classes were over,and she had cleaned up and locked up it was ten o clock. She settled into the chair in her office and had time to think now. she picked up the phone. Where the hell was Maggie?It wasnt like her to just not show up. She began to worrie even more after she had diled Maggies number and was getting no answer.

After letting the phone ring several more times She decide maybe Maggie was sculpting. She had known her freind to more than once get carried away with her art. Tari hung up the reciever and picked up her bag.After locking the front door and making her way to the parking lot for her car Tari steered the pathfinder tword Maggies home.

When she had reached her destination Tari went to the front door and pounded on it taking note the lights were all off. She was realy starting to get concerned now. where the hell was she? Finaley giving up,Tari headed for home.

As she drove her mind went from concern over Maggie to the afternoon she had spent with Martin. She smiled to her self. It had been a wonderful outing. They had toured the Aqarium and near by zoo, stoping to rest in the park area.Martin had maney questions about her people.Tari had tryed to answer him as best she could. She inturn had asked about his planet and his people.But as before Martin's answers had been veg. Her heart had lept to her throat when he had asked to see her again.She felt tingles run threw her remebring his words.

"I would like to see you again." he had said shyly. "I enjoy your company.Perhaps a walk along the beach?"

His words still made her melt. She couldnt wait until she saw him again.

After reaching her apt.Tari set her bag on table next to her front door. she pulled off her sneakers and leet then lay where they had fallen in front of the couch. She slumped onto the cusions and let her body relax. Her thoughts once more on her freind.Just where the heck had Maggie run off to? She prayed there was nothing seriously wrong.

The figure stood in the shadows, watching and waiting as he'd been ordered. His form so blended in with the shadows, that even if you knew he was there you wouldn't be able tell him from the darkness that surrounded him. He’d been trained, as warriors had for many centuries, how to use to stillness as a weapon. Thus he didn't move when the two Visitors walked into the room dragging a human woman between them. He could see she was slim and tall, with long red hair that hid her face from him. She was obviously an armful too, because before the two males had made it half way across the crossing they stopped and let her slump to the ground.

"I will not tell you again, Marcus. She is to be sent to processing per Diana's orders. If you value your position, as well as your life, you will heed those orders."

"But Fred, you heard what Carl said! He wanted her taken to his quarters! And I do value my life! Diana's reach might be longer, but Carl's is closer! Do you want to be the one to tell him what we've done with her? I sure don't!"

The figure in the shadows surveyed the two. Waiting for the right moment to strike. A strike the two Visitors never saw coming as they argued over what to do with the human female they had dumped unceremoniously on the floor. One second they were talking and the next the shadows came alive, consuming them. Or that's how they would recount it later, when questioned about it by their superiors. For the moment though, they lay in heaps on the floor as the figure, who’d used the shadow as a weapon, bent over the unconscious woman and gently moving back her hair, swore as he saw the large lump on her forehead.

"Well hell." The figure muttered before picking up the woman and taking her into the shadows with him.

*****Sometime later************

Maggie opened her eyes to darkness and a hand over her mouth. Her eyes jerked open wide but she still could see nothing but black.

"Mmph." She muttered as she started to sit up and jerk the hand off her mouth.

"Shhh . . .Be quiet if you want to live." A voice that was barely above a whisper said near her ear. "There are Visitors everywhere and the littlest sound could clue them in to where we are."

As he talked she could hear the sounds of voices, some sounding close to them, others sounding farther away. She could smell the mingled scents of machines, grass, and what smelled to be gas, making her wonder if they were near a factory of some kind.

At the word 'visitors' Maggie's eyes went wide as she remembered being alone in the gym with Carl, tripping and then seeing that hideous flesh under his 'skin’. Without thinking she began to shake as she remembered the stinging pain that had consumed her before her world had gone dark.

"Hey, hey. It's ok. I won't let anyone hurt you. Just be quiet and we'll be ok." The voice was with out reverberations. As this sank in, Maggie began to calm down knowing she was dealing with a human and not a Visitor. The man, for the voice was obviously male, moved closer and wrapped one arm around Maggie, as if to reassure her as he spoke.

"You going to be ok now?"

As he asked Maggie nodded her head, but realizing he couldn't see her head move in the darkness whispered, "Yes."

"Good. Now we don't have a lot of time here so let's make this short and sweet. My name's Leary. I'm a Navy SEAL and I found you being dragged around by some Visitors. Want to tell me your name and what you'd done to make them mad?" As he said this he unwrapped his arms from around her and gave her some space.

When Maggie heard the words 'Navy SEAL' she felt a glimmer of hope, here was someone who would protect her and someone she could tell about what she'd seen. Speaking in a quiet voice, she did just that. Her voice getting shaky as she recalled the feel of Carl's skin tearing beneath her fingers, the sight of the greenish scales under the skin, and as she talked of the pain she felt when she'd turned her head her voice nearly went out completely.

Leary couldn't see the woman's face in the darkness surrounding them, but he couldn't deny the fear in her voice. Gently he placed his hand on her arm and began to rub it lightly, in a calming manner. He tried to convey reassurance as he fought the fear rising in him as he heard of what lay beneath the Visitor's skin.

As Maggie talked she was so lost in the horror of what happened to her she wasn't aware of how she shivered, or even that Leary had placed his hand on her arm. But slowly and gradually she felt the warmth of his touch on her arm—softly and comfortingly—and it was that contact that enabled her to gather herself and start controlling the fear.

After several seconds Leary heard a soft, "Thank you." And he smiled, knowing with out being sure why, that Maggie was going to be okay.

"You going to be all right now?” When she nodded her head he said, “Ok. I am gonna go look around and I’ll be right back. You just sit right here and be quiet and I won’t be gone a minute.”

Like the trained warrior he was Leary slipped into the shadows, but to Maggie it was like magic. One moment he was there and the next he’d disappeared, becoming as insubstantial as the shadows that surrounded her.

As Maggie sat waiting for Leary to return, she closed her eyes, as if trying to block out what was happening to her. Snorting softly she wondered why she bothered closing her eyes, in the shadows she couldn’t see anything, so she opened her eyes once more. It was as she sat in the silence trying desperately, but failing, not to think of the events that had led her here, that a thought popped into her head.

** OH MY GOODNESS!!! THE GYM!!! TARI!!!! What will she think?? What will she do? Has she missed me? *** And as she thought of this she began to wonder what day it was. If anyone had seen Carl enter the gym the night—whatever night that had been—when he’d taken her. For she had no doubt it was Carl who’d had her brought here, where ever here was. Had anyone seen him carry her out? These and a million more began tumbling through her head as she waited.

A few minutes later, she nearly screamed out as the shadows seemed to come alive and surround her.