Martin laid on the bunk in his quarters, awake and deep in thought. Tari Donovan consumed his every waking moment. She haunted his dreams.

It had been two days since he had last seen her, but it felt like weeks. Memories of time spent with her played through his mind, sending a quiet comfort coursing through him.

He could still feel the warmth of her soft skin as he held her small hand in his, the tenderness of her lips pressed against his own the first time he dared to kiss her, the gentleness of her touch as he held her close to him. He could still feel her heart pounding against his chest. Every little thing she did, every move she made, she amazed him. Every expression in her face, the sparkle of her eyes.

He longed to hold her again, smell the fresh scent of her hair, taste once more the sweetness of her lips that intoxicated, yet left him yearning for more.

"No!" his voice cried out as he sprang upright on his bunk and swung his legs over the edge. He let his elbows rest on his legs as he held his head in his hands, feeling the pounding stress of reality surface.

*This is wrong* he thought painfully. He could not feel this way. It wasn't right. They were too different, in so many ways. If Tari knew -- if she really knew what he was, what he looked like -- surely, it would send a terror surging through her that could not be comforted. He would rather die than let that happen. It was so wrong for him to keep up with this lie when he knew there was no hope for them. It would never be. No matter how hard he wished it could be different, reality destroyed his dream. Yet, he could not deny the way he felt. It was as if he could hear her thoughts, feel what she felt. They had shared so much in the short time they had known each other.

The contentment of a simple walk along the ocean's edge, her enthusiasm for the ocean and its inhabitants, the delight in simply enjoying each other's company no matter what they were doing. Being with her captivated him so that nothing else seemed to matter, and he wanted nothing more.

Confusion and despair overwhelmed him. Martin shook his head. "No, no..." his voice echoed in the empty room as he leaned back against the wall his simple bunk was attached to.

"I can't feel this way," he muttered aloud. This was so very wrong. His people fed on hers. No matter how the thought sickened him, it was fact. He knew what they were doing, why his people had come to Earth, but he was powerless to stop them.

He felt that every minute he spent with Tari Donovan endangered her life. If Diana should ever find out, he was certain she would somehow use it to her own advantage. He had heard of the bizarre experiments that his superior had begun on humans. He knew how she used her own people to lure the unsuspecting and trusting humans into her trap.

Martin had taken great precautions to keep his relationship with Tari a secret from his people, but it had gotten out of hand. If he were not more careful he would be questioned more intensely about his disappearances.

"This was not suppose to happen!" he chastised himself. He had had no intention of letting the relationship go beyond mere friendship. But, it had. Unintentional as it was he had broken the boundaries, stepped over the thin line between friendship and love. Realization making him finally admit what he knew to be happening. He was falling in love with her. He hadn't meant it to happen nor even realized that it was possible, yet it had and he'd been unable to stop himself. The bond he felt pull him to this human girl had been too strong and mysterious. It beckoned him from the moment he'd first laid eyes on her, with no reason as to why. He only knew he needed to know her.

"Damn!" he cursed himself. "I can't Tari, I can't love you. It's not right!" Martin said, pain and hopelessness lacing his alien voice. "Zon forgive me, but I do, I do love you. "

For the first time in his life, he cursed his Serien blood. For the first time, he wished he were something he was not: Human.

Martin hung his head in defeat. If she ever knew about him, her horrified reaction would undoubtedly tear out his heart. And Tari. What would it do to her if the truth were ever revealed? How could she handle the shock? She seemed so fragile.

No. He could not take the chance on scaring her emotions that way. He cared too much for her. He had to do something and he knew what that something must be.

He must stay away from her. Never see her again. But, could he? Could he keep his own feelings at bay? Could he keep his own desires locked away, keep his feelings locked deep inside and never let them surface?

Yes. For her he had to try. Martin made up his mind. He had to let her go. He would tell Tari he could not see her again. He had to, for her own good he must, and soon.


Tari walked solemnly into her office. She'd arrived at Shamrocks pride much earlier than usual. Tears clouded her blue eyes. She'd gone to the aquarium as usual this morning only to find it had been closed down. And her precious dolphins, Cindy and Sally, were gone as were most of the other mammals that resided there.

There had been no warning, and it had happened so quickly. None of it made any sense. The government had ceased all scientific studies because of the so-called "conspiracy." Tari had been given no other explanation and no answers about where her dolphins had been taken or by whom. She was only told that they would be well cared for and she should not worry. When things were again under control, they would be returned.

Tari felt as if her world were beginning to crash. Changes in her life were moving so quickly that she didn't have time to think. And nothing seemed to make sense anymore.

Wiping a tear from her cheek Tari tried to pull herself together and go on with her day. Worry over why Martin had made no contact with her for the last two days still hovered, weighing heavily in the back of her mind.

She rationalized that he must be very busy with all the scientist conspiracy nonsense going on. Still, she missed him terribly.

The sound of his gentle and inquisitive manner. His modest smile, the deep green eyes that seemed to be able to memorize every detail of this new and different world he was in. The feel of her hand in his. She savored every moment they spent together. Every touch, every look they shared, sent feelings of desire coursing through her veins.

And even more, she missed the comfort and utter contentment she felt by simply being in his presence. She thanked God every day for brining Martin into her life. And she prayed he would never leave. Facing the changing world around her seemed much less frightening knowing Martin would be part of that change.

****Later that afternoon******

The club had been empty most of the day. Only a few stragglers now and then came in to use the weight room. Tari felt it was useless to keep it open, but she had nothing better to do. She'd sent a reluctant Mac home half an hour ago and Sarah, the low-impact aerobics instructor, half an hour before that. She contemplated locking up early and going to the park in hopes that Martin would be at their usual meeting place. Finally deciding to do just that, Tari began closing blinds and locking doors and made ready for her departure. As she picked up her bag and headed toward the door the ringing of her office phone stopped her. With a sigh, she thought it best to answer the call. It could be Mike or even Sean. Dropping her bag on her desk Tari reached for the receiver and picked it up.

"Shamrocks pride. "

"Tari," The unmistakable alien voice on the other end brought a smile to her face and excitement made her heart race.

"Martin?" she asked a bit astonished. He had never called her before. Usually he just showed up, but this was a welcome and delightful surprise.

"Yes," Martin confirmed. "I must see you Tari." His tone was laced with anxiety.

"Martin what is it? What's wrong?" she asked, feeling the pangs of fear. She could tell something was making him very nervous. She could hear it in his voice.

"I can't explain right now, but I must see you, it's important. Can you meet me tonight?" Martin asked anxiously.

"Yes, of course. Where? When?" Tari answered panic beginning to rise in her.

"The beach, near the cove, after dark," he told her, his voice becoming lower as if he was trying not to be heard by someone.

"Alright. I'll be there." Tari felt the fear surging through her. Something was wrong. She could feel it. Something was very wrong.

"I must go now. Until tonight then." As Martin hung up the telephone at the Duprae plant where he had come to help Steven with some, more strict security set-ups, he glanced around making sure no one had over heard or seen him. Then he left quickly before he was discovered and questioned about the phone call.

Tari heard the phone disconnect. Reluctantly, she set her telephone receiver back in its place.

She stood there staring at the phone. Fearful and unaware as to what it was that had made Martin so secretive.

Quickly gaining her wits, she picked up her bag and left for home.


It had been hours since Martin's call. Tari stood on the beach looking out at the sun as it began to set below the blue-green waters of the ocean, leaving its wondrous colors painted in the sky above. Its reflection glistened along the sparkling water. She pulled her sweater tighter around her bare shoulders as a light wind brushed by her. The hem of her comfortable cotton dress fluttered around her ankles in the breeze.

She loved this place. Especially at sunset. Many times she and Martin had sat here on the beach watching the sun give up its reign to the moon and the stars.

This had become their special place. Here they felt as if they were the only two people on earth. They would sit for hours watching the stars, talking, enjoying the serenity and quiet away from the quick pace of day to day living.

Tari remembered the night Martin had first kissed her in the park as he showed her the star that was his home planet. She closed her eyes remembering the feel of his arms around her. The taste of his lips as they caressed hers. The coolness of his skin when he touched her face. It had been such a feeling of bliss that there were no words to describe the way she felt while being held so close to him. He had brought the warmth and feelings of love back to her life. Yes, that was what she was feeling: love -- the joyous, comforting feelings of love.

Tari's thoughts were interrupted when she heard a familiar voice speak her name behind her. She turned quickly and her heart skipped a beat as Martin's form took shape in the shadows of the falling darkness.

It took her only a moment before she let her heart rule her actions and she ran to him.

Martin could not deny the urge to hold her and took her in his arms, grateful to be able to hold her close to him for one last time. He reveled in the feel of her next to him.

"I was so worried about you. " she spoke softly.

Even with the pseudo skin, he could still feel her breath against his neck as she spoke. He smoothed the back of her long brown hair inhaling the scent of her perfume. He could not resist the sensation to kiss her as she lifted her head to look at him. He raised one hand and gently stoked her soft face, then brought her closer to him as he leaned down and gently kissed her passionately. She fell willingly into his embrace.

As they broke from the kiss, Martin pulled her close again, holding her tightly against him as if he would never let her go.

"You hadn't been to the park. I hadn't heard from you. " She pulled back slightly to look at him again. There was something in his eyes, something sad. "Martin? What is it? What's wrong?"

Martin took in a deep breath and turned away, unable to face her with what he knew he must say. For a moment, he was quiet, searching for the right words. But there were none. He turned. Gazing into her frightened and confused eyes, he decided to drag it out any longer would only intensify the hurt for both of them. Reluctantly, he spoke.

"Tari. . I must stop seeing you, " he said, his tone dispirited.

Tari's mouth nearly dropped open. The look of shock masked her delicate features.

"W, Wh. . What?" she stammered, stunned at his announcement.

"It's for your own good Tari," he tried to ease the hurt he saw clouding her face.

"Why?" she asked as tears began to swell in her eyes. "Is it the scientist thing? Because I'm a marine biologist? For god sakes Martin, I study dolphins. You know this. I'm not one of them. "

Martin hung his head. "I know," he said, looking up at her. "It has nothing to do with you being a biologist. There are things ... things about my people ... about me, you don't know. Things you must never know. "

"What things?" she asked, downhearted. "Martin, I don't understand. "

He looked up at her. "I can't tell you, please just believe me it is best this way. I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen. "

Tari fought back her tears as she spoke. "Martin ... I ... I thought you ... I mean the way we feel, the way I feel … I thought you . . ."

He stepped closer to her, putting a hand on her cheek and stroking softly with his thumb.

"Shh" he hushed her. "We must never speak about those feelings. " He gazed longingly into her tearing eyes then stepped away turning from her as he let his hand drop. He felt as if his heart would drop from his chest.

"I care for you to much to see you hurt, Tari. I would rather die than see you hurt. That’s why we must never see each other again. It's too dangerous. For both of us. "

"Dangerous? How?" she pushed. "What is so dangerous? Martin what aren't you telling me?"

"Please Tari," he said, his tone more urgent. He knew that he must go. Dragging this out any longer would not help the pain she felt nor the agony he felt growing inside him with every passing moment. "I cannot answer your questions. Just know that it is for the best. We can not be together ... not ever. "

With those words Martin downheartedly walked away, leaving Tari standing on the beach watching as he walked into the darkness.

"Martin?" Tari called out quietly as she could no longer hold back her tears. They trickled down her cheeks as she began to sob.

************One week later*************

Tari sat in her apartment curled up on the couch as she watched the nightly news. Her eyes were on the television but her mind was on Martin. She knew with all her heart that he cared about her as much as she did him. He was protecting her. He'd as much as said so that night on the beach. But from what? She couldn't understand. Her heart felt heavy and she felt more alone and afraid than she had in years.

Suddenly, a face on the television screen caught her attention and she quickly reached for the remote to turn up the sound. The visitor supreme commander John's resonating voice was heard from behind the picture on the screen -- the picture of her brother's face, Mike. John went on to say how Mike had been a leader of a terrorist group plotting to undermine the visitors. They had begun an all-out manhunt for him.

"Oh my God," Tari gasped as her hand went to her mouth in a panicked reaction. Tears filled her eyes as John continued his announcement. Tari watched in horror as the so-called terrorist attacks replayed on the screen and they repeated the bulletin. Then the screen went blank.

Tari sat in shock staring at the blank television screen. Her heart sank and fear crept up on her. Then, as if she had been hit by lighting, she jumped for her phone and dialed.

"Damn!" she swore as she got no answer. "C'mon Tony answer!" Her panicked voice spoke aloud as if she could will her brother's partner, Tony Leonetii. to answer. Her hands began to shake as she slammed the receiver down. She was frightened for her brother. Alone and afraid tears fell from her eyes.

"Oh my God ... What's happening?" Nothing was making any sense.

The air was tepid smelling and dust covered the aged desk that sat in one of the corners in the room. There wasn't much furniture besides that in the cramped quarters, a few chairs, a rusted filing cabinet, and a hand held radio playing softly. The lighting wasn't very good either, so half the room was cast in shadows. A rather grim looking room to say the least, but to the man sitting in the room, the décor of the room was the last thing on his mind.

Foremost on Daniel Leary's mind was the news report he'd just heard. He still couldn't believe how easily the Visitors had taken over the country. Using their drummed up conspiracy theory, they'd all but had the world in the palm of their hands. But given the way humanity had welcomed them, he shouldn't be surprised; after all, his own superior had turned on him and his team because of the Visitors.

His team, he thought with a smirk. It was really Curran's team, but since they'd pretty much concluded that Hawkins was dead, and they'd found no trace of either Curran or Graham, Leary was the next in line for command. Daniel didn't mind being in charge, his personality was such that it came naturally to him. What bothered him was the fact he'd really messed up when they'd gone back to base. He should have known something was wrong when they'd managed to get into the building so easily. It shouldn't have been that easy, but Daniel's mind hadn't been completely on the situation and he'd paid.

He could still remember the anger he'd felt when he'd realized they'd been set up. Then the Visitor had appeared, his vibrating voice the only indication of his inhumanity. He'd laughed at them, called them fools, and then he'd asked about Maggie. Daniel had wanted to lurch across the room and rip the alien's throat out when he'd heard the underlying lust in Carl’s voice as he said Maggie's name. But before he could move, Maggie had appeared and saved them. They'd all have died if it hadn't been for her.

The corner of his mouth lifted briefly as he smiled thinking of how fierce she'd looked as she'd come charging through that door to save them. Like a warrior woman, all fury and fight. It had only been later, when she'd realized what she'd done that the softer side of her had shown through. Daniel had known at that moment that he wanted Maggie Jones to be his, and he'd do whatever was necessary to make that happen. And even before that he'd have to get her and his men to someplace safe. So that's what he'd done, with the help of his friend, Ben Taylor.