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The Looney Party was having a chat with God awhile back, and He was complaining that it seems a lot of people are doing things in His name that He hasn't sanctioned or that He isn't involved in.  He was rather depressed about this and felt He had lost creative control.  We suggested to Him that revoking free will might help solve this problem.  He was keen on the idea, but explained to us that He could not do that since the people who installed free will waived the set-up fee in exchange for a never-ending free will service plan.  So, any revocation of free will would mean He'd have to refund the set-up fee plus interest -- given that it's been several billion years, you can see how that'd be a problem.  So, we then proposed that He start smoting those people claiming things in His name without His consent.  He was very receptive to this idea as well, but noted that smoting is much more difficult than it used to be -- about 2,000 years ago legislation was passed that made it nearly impossible to smote people.  It now requires a formal appeal to the Instantaneous Ending of Life Authority and the current senior member of this Council has granted only one license since taking the position 1,000 years ago.

    With that, we didn't see many options left.  But, in desperation to comfort our good friend, we frantically searched our minds and finally came up with a third solution.  God loved this solution more than any of the others, but it took intense and prolonged negotiations to finally work out the contract.  Yet as of this date and time, everything is in order and signed.  Therefore we can announce that The Looney Party is now in a position to espouse God's will -- to determine once and for all what it is that is actually done in God's name, and what is merely said to be done in His name.  We are the only entity with the licensing to do so and we have the contract to prove it.  We have also adopted a new trademarked phrase:

The Looney Party
Official Spokespeople of God