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There was a power surge in a remote complex which caused components of a computer within to melt.  The resulting electronic flow caused a minor explosion that resonated through the building.  The frequency of the vibrations just happened to match the natural frequency of the connecting overhead passages.  The extreme force produced caused the overhead halls to crumble and crash to the ground.  Some of that debris fell into and on the traffic driving casually below.  Within in that traffic, one man was driving while talking on his cell phone.  When the debris hit, the impact gave the man a concussion and also short-circuited the cell phone.  The short circuit caused a large number of radio signals to be directed at the orbiting satellite.  Those signals incapacitated that satellite and caused it to plunge to Earth.  A passenger plane that was flying in the upper atmosphere was nearly struck by the fiery mass that resulted from the plummeting satellite.  The fireball did not strike the plane, but rather caused it to turn quite rapidly, jerking the people inside.  Some of those people just happened to be The Looney Party, diligently working on the site's update.  The sudden change in movement, however, cause them to strike the power key, resulting in a complete loss of data.  That is why we did not update today.