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Questions Frequently Asked of The Looney Party
Occasionally called an FAQ by certain obscure and minor websites


What is the name of the furry white dog?

How many instances of the letter “q” are there on your website and all the websites you’ve linked to?

Quantum Field Theory uses a process known as Renormalization to handle infinities that appear in the theory.  This process basically consists of subtracting the infinity out of the Lagrangian so that the answer is finite; however, this process also results in quantities that cannot be predicted—one for every infinity subtracted.  Despite this mathematical imprecision, the theory works.  Is this a statement on the nature of the Universe or a clue that the theory is incorrect?  If the latter, why does QFT work so well?

What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Since you talk directly to God, could you have him reveal some information about the afterlife?  Specifically, could you have him confirm that I will indeed receive seventy virgins for my suicide-bombing resulting in the death of infidels?

I love this site so much.  Would you be willing to found a cult so that I, someone who just wants to be told what to do and never ever again be inconvenienced by independent thought, can join it?  I’d really appreciate it.

Did you know that there are many easy and natural ways to increase the size of your penis?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I’ve constructed a three hundred meter high monument in your honor.  How do I go about petitioning to have it displayed at your main office?

If justice is blind, how does she know the scale she’s holding is balanced?

Who are you… really?

All my friends and I are named George.  In fact, I only talk to people named George.  Please tell me your name is George, because I’d really like to keep talking to you
