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...and then realizes that your opinion is wrong and unworthy.

How can a political entity say that it has no regard for the ideas of those it wishes to govern, you ask?

The role of a political entity is to tell the people what they think.
The role of the people is to believe anything that the political entity tells them.

If you don't believe us, just look at the United States' President George W. Bush: he tells the Americans what they want and because he says they want it, they believe that they want it.  This works for things that have already come to pass as well -- if he says that they wanted it, then they wanted it; anybody who disagrees... well, clearly they are a terrorist.

So, as a citizen of whatever country you happen to be a member of, it is your obligation to blindly and unquestionably take as absolute truth everything that we, a political entity, tell you is true.