Last Update 12/30/03

Peace cannot exist without equality.

Link to my Wedding homepage.

Friend's & Family Homepages:
Uncle Mike's Homepage | Todd's Homepage | Wade's Homepage | Marc & Billi's Homepage | Heather's Homepage
Please let me know if you have a personal website you wanted listed here.

Videos: I have been working on some short films with my new camcorder. I have only had it a few days but how fun! I hope you check out the videos on this link!
Photos: Ophelia pictures and my new house pictures | Friends photos | Europe 1999 | Peace Corps Turkmenistan

Personal updates:

Well a ton of things have happened in the last month. Dan & I got married on December 13th, our sweet puppy Ophelia turned 1 year old on December 10th and just a couple days ago Dan got notice that he will be attending the 2/24/04 Air Force Officer Training School. This is a 13-week "boot camp" for officers. When he graduates he will be a 2nd Lt. working somewhere in America as a computer developmental engineer. Hopefully I will be in the Air Force as well as a nurse officer, I will be starting my application process soon. I will update this page later when I know more.

My favorite entertainment sites:

Natalie Merchant | Days of Our Lives | | IMDB: Movie Database.

Some links to sport sites:


I think our football team is on the way up again. Our quarterback, Chris Leak, is amazing. Here are some sites that follow the gators: and The

In Pro football my team the Clevland Browns Enter the dogpound here for the offical Browns site.

Baseball teams Indians and World Series Champs - Florida Marlins

Click the image for more South Park pics.
Entertainment links

Take quizes at Everything from IQ and Carrers to Sex and Trivia.

Take even more quizes at fun trivia

Got nothing to do? Check out

Like magic? Then you will like David Blaine - magic man! David Blaine

Political Sites

Want the news with a different slant? The Nation

The White house page

Medical links

Check out Doctors without Borders Last year's Noble Peace winners

Tons of info on AIDS

Travel Sites

Want to learn basic languages for traveling? Check out this site that has over 40 languages.

Want to look at some nice travel sites? This backpackers site is very good, also Lonely Planet and Rough Guide are worth a look.

Check out the National Geographic

Various Sites

Want to know everything about your favorite music bands?Artist direct

Register with a huge national high school alumni site Alumni

Want to get in touch with me? Like my page? Email me!

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