i don't own em, i don't claim to , it's just for fun.
one in a billion
by stephanie meyer

	December 26, 1999.  
	A young boy is sledding down a snow-covered hill toward a wooded area.  The
sled comes to an abrupt halt at the bottom of the hill, and the child rolls off, giggling with
joy.  Suddenly, the joyous laughter turns to terrified shrieks.  The white snow is splattered
with scarlet blood.
*	*	*	*	*	*
	December 28, Washington D.C.  
	Mulder and Scully are assigned to a new case.  Somewhere in the Mid-west, there
have been a series of animal mutilations.  All were discovered within twenty-four hours
of each other.
	"Merry Christmas," Mulder says to Scully as he hands her the case file.
	"And a happy New Year," Scully responds.
*	*	*	*	*	*
	December 29, the small town.
	Mulder and Scully meet with local law enforcement and go over recent events. 
The multiple mutilations have spooked the locals, and the town suspects a satanic cult. 
As it so happens, there is a cult in the hills outside town.  
	The agents find that the cult is in turmoil but not over the mutilations.  The cult is
split over a millennium prophecy involving the birth of the six billionth child.  Half
believe that the child will bring destruction to the world, and the other half believes that
the child will bring salvation to the world.  They believe that this child will be born into
their cult.  However, the cult leader denies any involvement in the mutilations.
	Scully argues," A single child can't bring salvation or destruction.  Mankind itself
will either destroy or save the world.  One out of billions won't make a tremendous
difference.  I anyone is to destroy our world it will be us and our ancestors through
pollution and overpopulation.  So if six billion is a symbolic number, then, yes, that child
could bring the end, but that is the only way.
	"So you don't believe in any of the millennium prophecies?" Mulder asks.
	"To blame the destruction of our planet on anyone but the human race as a whole
is irresponsible.  The destruction of the rainforest and pollution of the oceans due to our
exponential population growth are just two reasons in a list of thousands why we're
slowly destroying our planet.  It's no wonder the planet is suffering.  Our lack of respect
for it and our exploitation of it's resources is at an all time high.  It's more likely that
humanity will irradiate the planet to nuclear winter or choke off the world with our
exponential growth as a species than that one child will bring the end of the world."
*	*	*	*	*	*	*
	December 30.
	The mother of the unborn child is both young and confused.  At eighteen, she
doesn't want to believe that her child is anything other than a child.  Although she has
been pressured into believing that her baby is this child, she comes to the agents and asks
for protection.  In exchange she offers the entire story behind the mutilations.  
	"It's all because of my baby.  I didn't think it was anything, but then our leader
said it had been revealed to him that the child that was to complete the prophecy was to
be born on to us."
	"Was this the same man who denied any knowledge of the mutilations?" Mulder
	The girl nods and continues, "He didn't really, he believes the child will deliver
the world, not through fire, but through love.  The other faction is responsible for the
mutilations.  They believe the child will destroy the world.  The mutilations were an
attack on our leader.
	"Is the leader of your cult the father of your baby?" Scully asks in a skeptical
	The girl nods.
	Later Scully expresses some doubt about the girl's story.  Still convinced there is
no truth to the cult's believes, she proposes that the girl has been brainwashed and is
merely reciting by rote.  Mulder disagrees.
	The agents then escort the girl out of the police station only to be surrounded by a
frightened mob.  Hysterical with visions of satanic ritual, they begin screaming at the girl. 
Someone throws a rock and strikes the girl, who begins to bleed heavily.  The agents the
dive back into the station to avoid the crowd.  Scully moves to tend to the girl's wound
only to discover that the laceration has healed.  Her forehead is smooth and unscathed. 
Mulder and Scully look at each other in amazement.
*	*	*	*	*	*	*
	At the hotel, the girl is fast asleep when Scully checked on her.  Scully pauses and
stares at the girl's forehead.  Puzzled, she shakes her head and walks into Mulder's
adjoining room to analyze the situation.  
	Mulder is flipping through the channels on his television, disgusted that all he
gets is the home shopping network.  He flips off the set when he sees Scully enter the
room.  He raises an eyebrow as she flops down in the nondescript hotel chair.  
	"I can't explain it, so don't say it."
	"What?" Mulder replies innocently.
	"I can't explain why she healed herself.  It's impossible, if not unbelievable."
	"Sounds like something out of a prophecy."
	"Mulder, I refuse to believe in millennium prophecies, doomsday or otherwise. 
It's preposterous.  If anything is going to cause the end of the world, it will be our
disrespect for our environment and for each other as human beings."
	"You sound like you're trying to convince yourself."
	"The only thing I'm convinced of is that there is a confused teen-aged girl in the
next room who not only needs medical attention, but has somehow been convinced that
she's going to give birth to the next Christ."
	"Or anti-Christ."
	Scully rolls her eyes and leaves Mulder to flip through the nonexistent channels
on his television.  She enters her room and stops short.  The bed is empty and the door is
open.  The girl is gone.
	Mulder ducks into the room, takes in the scene, and grabs his coat.
	"Let's go."
*	*	*	*	*	*	
	Mid-day, December 31.
	The agents confer with the local sheriff by the side of the road.  Their cars are
parked by a forest, which searchers are scouring.  They have found nothing.  The sheriff
goes to talk to a team of searchers that have just returned.  
	Mulder shakes his head, "They won't find her."
	"What maker you so sure?" Scully asks.
	"Oh, just a feeling."
	"Well, we won't be here even if they do.  This case is out of our jurisdiction now. 
It's up to the local authorities.  We have to go back to D.C.."
	"I know."
*	*	*	*	*	*	
	11:59, December 31, 1999.
	As the second hand creeps toward the twelve, a circle of hooded figures surround
a young girl as she prepares to give birth.  Suddenly a cry pierces the silent, cold night.  A
child is born......

