Ten dumb things that Jill would say

By Cyclops and Tilde

Disclaimer: They do not belong to us, they are the come from the minds of Spelling and Goldberg.


  1. Hmmm, Milk of Magnesia. Wonder if it’s pasteurized?
  2. (snatching a gun from a crime scene) "Do you think he did it like this?" (gestures with gun) "Ooh, let’s check it for fingerprints!
  3. (in Japan) What a neat antique sword. It sort of goes well with your all-body tattoo. Hey, why are you missing a finger?
  4. The weatherman is psychic. Like that Nostradummy guy.
  5. French people are so smart. They can speak French at such young ages, and they do it so well too!
  6. Ooo! Wet cement! (Jill sinks like a stone and learns the alternate meaning of the word "foundation").
  7. (Into walkie-talkie) "Hi. Is this 911?"
  8. What do you mean don’t feed the Li-ONS!!! Agh!
  9. Keep what off the grass?
  10. Oh no! They don’t have my brand of bleach!
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