Groovy News

Fez's Groovy Whores

Jackie's Diary

Ask Hyde

Top Ten Lists

Fan Fiction

Whorish Musings

Groovy Whore Links

Fan Experiences

Knee Deep 'Zine

Celebrity Whores

Knee Deep Archives

That 70's Advice

You Know You're Obsessed With That '70s Show When...

That '70s Drinking Game

Whorishness Is a Virtue!

I'm ba-ack!

yes, 'tis I , Heather, the WHOREMaster for the illiustrious That 70s Show Page O'Grooviness--well, former, rather, since the page just hasn't been the same since it was hacked. Oh well. My bodyguards, Destroy and Give-Back, will guard this page well and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Anyhoo, from the oregano crumbs of the Page O'Grooviness has sprouted this happy page. All of Fez's Groovy Whores need a page to call our own(besides, Pimp Fez would have it no other way!). Plus, Knee Deep in Whores is the first online 'zine for all fans of That 70s Show to bond and use the word 'whore' without being smacked. Whatta page!

For now, there's the old stuff from the Page O'Grooviness that you all should know and love. Pictures will be put up(i.e. downloaded) vbeddy soon, plus a ton of new sections will make their appearances! Among these.....

*Celebrity Whores-for those famous people for whom whoredom is the logical next step to pure greatness. Nominate someone today!

*Knee Deep 'Zine-the online source of info and lunacy about our favorite show of shows.

*Fan Experiences-Run into Topher buying cookies at the mall? See a taping? Have a bonding experience with the picture of Danny on your wall after smoking oregano? We want to hear about it!

*Whorish Musings-writing by whores--not necessarily about the show, but whorish nonetheless.

Now that you've thrown your Pet Rock out the window in joy, why don't you contribute? This whore's looking for WHORErespondents for the 'zine--in other words, peopel to contribute sections and show true greatness in the process. It isn't that difficult, really! Come on, you know you want to! If you're interested...well, e-mail me! Okay! OK.

Have fun exploring, whore! it'll be a fun and crazy ride for all!

Dash off a note to me

| Groovy News | Fez's Groovy Whores | Jackie's Diary | Ask Hyde | Top Ten Lists | Fan Fiction | Whorish Musings | Groovy Whore Links | Fan Experiences | Knee Deep 'Zine | Celebrity Whores | Knee Deep Archives | That '70s Advice | Obsessed With '70s... | That '70s Drinking Game |