~NEW~Quote of the Week~NEW~
"Why can't you kids just sell drugs like normal people?"- Snyder
"You can attack me, you can send assasins after me. That's fine, But nobody messes with my boyfriend!"-Buffy from WML2
"What kinda girlie name is 'Angel' anyway?"-Xander
(Buffy)"Have you dropped hints?"
(Willow)"I've dropped anvils!"
"Excuse me! We did not come here to talk about Willow. We came here to do things I can never tell my Father about because he still thinks i'm a good girl."-Cordelia
"I laugh in the face of danger...then I hide untill it goes away."-Xander
"To read makes our speaking english good"-Xander
"oh, here we go! I am the bug man, coo-coo-ca-chew."-Xander
"Great. I'll give Xander a call. What's his number? Oh yeah, 1-800-i'm dating a skanky ho!"-Willow
"Because your a tiny impotent nazi, with a bug up his but the size of an emu."-Cordelia
"Angel? Weird? What're the odds?" - Xander
"Jewish! Remember people? Not everyone worships Santa!" - Willow
"There's pictures. Of me. In your locker. I never knew I was locker material." - Xander
"Not while I breath, well, actually, I don't breath." - Spike
"You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both, you'll fight and you'll shag and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains children, it's blood -- blood screaming inside you to work it's will. I maybe love's bitch, but at least i'm man enough to admit it." - Spike
"I'd suggest a box of Oreos dunked in apple juice...but maybe she's over that phase." - Fords first line in "lie to me"
"Not alot happens in a one-Starbucks town like Sunnydale." - Xander
"I'm seventeen, looking at linoleum makes me want to have sex." - Xander
"That's creepy on a level i hardly knew existed." - Xander
"On behalf of my gender: Hey!" - Xander
"Uh, Angel, if I say something you really don't wanna hear, do you promise not to bite me?" - Willow
"...And you(angel), I mean, Your gonna live forever, you don't have time for a cup of coffee?" - Willow
"Don't warn the tadpoles!" - Willow waking up from a dream
"The Bay City Rollers, now that's music." - Giles
"Darn, I have cheerleader practice tonight. Boy, I wish i knew you were going to be digging up dead people sooner; i would have canceled." - Cordelia
"Cordelia, I don't want to hurt you...some of the time..." - Xander
"Excuse me, I have to call everyone i ever met right now." - Cordelia
"The number of a qualified surgeon to remove the British flag from his butt?" - Xander
"I can't believe how much i'm gonna kill you!" - Faith
"See - everytime we fight you bring up the vampire thing!" - Angel
"Wasn't here. Didn't see it. Couldn't have stopped you." - Giles
"I like you like it. Please don't learn from my english." - Xander
"We're your bosom friends, the friends of your bosom." - Xander
If anyone has a quote or "ism" for this page please e-mail me with it! Remember to include your name so I can give you credit!
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