The Anti-Dave Thomas League

Welcome, fellow Dave Thomas Haters, to the first web-page devoted solely to the eradication of Dave Thomas from the air waves.

Some Words For Dave...

Hey, Dave, here's a thought:  hire a professional to do the job... someone easier to look at and listen to.  You know, one or two appearances in your own commercials was kind of unique, but you're beating a dead horse here, Dave.  You're ugly and you're boring.  There's a reason that Pepsi spends millions of dollars to put Cindy Crawford in their commercials... that's what people want to see, you beef-witted dolt.  Not you.  How many people out there want to see overweight middle-aged men hawking a cheeseburger?  Nobody, that's who, Dave.  In the name of all that is decent and holy, get off the goddamned TV.

In Conclusion...

I've been boycotting Wendy's, and will continue to do so, until Dave Thomas shows enough taste and decency to remove himself from the Wendy's advertising campaign.

I'm starting a petition in the form of a guestbook.  All in agreement (which I am sure is everyone with a TV and a brain) are asked to sign in support.  Out with Dave Thomas!  In with anyone else!

 Sign the Anti-Dave Thomas League Petition       View the Anti-Dave Thomas League Petition

                                                             FatBack City

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If you have comments or suggestions, email me at