Visit these Pages!

Game Castle

This is my good friend Grand Master Hershey's Web-Page. He is a computer genius!
There's music, games, and geocities chat! LInks to monopoly, and Sim City to name a few!

La La Land
This is my good friend "Bells Rock" Robert's Web-Page. Another computer genius!
Here, you'll find: poetry, a temple to worship his highness, and storys!
Not to mention the song Birdland!
He just moved to this site, so everything may not be up yet!
Pretty Soldier Paradise, for the Serious
   Sailormoon Fan
Click here for a site dedicated to the anime Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon

The Simpsons Zone
Lots more crazy Simpsons info, pics., and etc.! A Must See!

Chris Ragobeer's Simpsons Web-Site
Simpsons Mugshots, pics, Itchy, and Scratchy, trivia, and some cool sound bites!!

A link to the incredibly nice people at geocities!

A link to the coolest E-Mail server around! Where would I be without them?

Starting Point Starting Point

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