Welcome to The Kingdom of Gods and Heroes (44:10)
Before I tell you about our kingdom I better tell you about the game Utopia.
Well Utopia is an internet game that requires no downloads, only strategic commanding skills.
I will have some pictures of what the different menus in the game look like.
Then if you feel like you could become a good player then Click here to JOIN
Click here to sign up for Utopia.
Before you sign up though you need to decide which type of Utopia you want to play in.
I will tell you about The World of Utopia first since that is the most common one people play, when you sign up there are 2 pictures the exact same picture on both side near the bottom of the page, below each are three headings, the top one says Manage Your province the middle one says Create a Province and the bottom one says Lost Password. On the left side click on Create a Province and follow the onscreen instructions.
Once you have signed up, sign in by clicking on (on the left side) Manage Your Province. Once you have done that check back here every so often for hints and tips on playing Utopia.
Now I will tell you about The Utopian Battlefields, since that one is least common, follow the exact same directions as above except this time click on the right sides Create a Province.
Ok now I have told you how to sign up to each of those now I will tell you what each of them do. I am not positive if this is correct or not if it isn't then tell me.
World Of Utopia
The world of utopia is just about stealing, casting spells, attacking and just plain having fun. I think everyone who's anyone should play Utopia, the downside is that if you have to go on the net at least twice a day because 1 utopian day is exactly 1 hour real time. If you read the Guide To Utopia Before you start it explains all of this. |
The utopian battlefields is just as the name implies, a big battlefield |
So I hope that this site has helped you out, now for some pictures of Utopia.
Here is a picture of the main screen, this is were you can see how much money you have and other info.
Here is a picture of what a dragon can do and if your kingdom is currently developing a dragon or not.
Here is a picture of who is in your kingdom this is a picture of my kingdom your names will be different the names shown here.
Here is a picture of the sciences screen this shows you how many sciences you have and your percentages it adds or subtracts.
Now if you are already a member of my online group for strategies and tactic or would like to be email me a little bit about your province and I will see if you are good enough to be in (most of the time you will get in).
If you wish to sign in do so below.