Student Assistantship Scheme

No experience is required! training will be provided! 

From next semester onwards, we will be involved in  video conferencing, post production, filming work! During training period, we will be paid $5 per hour, and 1.5 to 2 times more after the training period.

And yes! This job opportunity is open to all NUS Students with an aptitude and/or interest in videography and/or composition of images, not just VPC members! If any of your friends are interested, kindly e-mail me their name, address, course/ year, telephone number, e-mail address by this Wednesday, as training period is starting soon!

Details of the scheme:


1. Objectives

The aim for introducing the student Assistantship Scheme at CIT is two fold. Firstly, CIT is expanding its operations and would require increased staff support in the areas of Multimedia Production and Video Conferencing. Secondly, CIT wants to open its doors to students who are interested in developing their interests in the many technical and creative opportunities available.

So rather than hiring all full-time technical staff to meet the increased workload, it was felt that a Student Assistantship Scheme would not only be cost effective for CIT but beneficial to students as well.

2. Scope of Work

CIT is engaged regularly by the various faculties and departments to facilitate video conferencing, record and transmit lectures and seminars; produce promotional and educational videos and CD-ROMs. These services require the talents of technicians, graphic designers, animators, cameramen, video editors, music composers, and video and multimedia producers. Opportunities are available to carry out the following duties:

a) Video Conferencing
   Setting up and operating video/audio and communications equipment for video conferencing.

b) Camera and Sound
   Setting up and operating video/audio and communications equipment for video conferencing.

c) Video Post-Production
   Editing Video on linear and non-linear editing systems; transfer and duplicate videos.

d) Multimedia
   Creating 2D/3D graphics and animation for use in video productions, webcasts and multimedia presentations.

e) Music and Audio
   Composing and arranging original music for use in video and multimedia productions and NUSCAST transmissions; recording and audio post production work for video and audio productions.

3. Hours of Work

There is no fixed schedule for Student Assistants to report to work. Work will be assigned to Student Assistants as and when their services are required. Where possible, at least 2 days notice of upcoming projects or assignments will be given to students to see if they are able to take them on.

It should be noted howevr that video conferencing and recording of lectures for the Singapore_MIT Alliance programme are scheduled to take place between 7-10am and 7-10pm five days a week.

4. Remuneration

During the period of apprenticeship, students will be paid the standard hourly rates of $5/-. Once they qualify as Student Assistants, they will be paid a higher hourly rate (to be determined soon). All payments for work completed must be certified by their immediate supervisors on the appropriate forms.

5. Commencement of Scheme

The Student Assistantship Scheme will commence immediately. A series of orientation sessions will be organised in the upcoming weeks beginning first with video conferencing and video production.