Welcome HORSE LOVERS To My Web Page!

This web page is dedicated to all the wonderful movies that have been made about horses. Like all good web pages it is still:


My eventual goal is to compile an accurate list of plots, characters and pictures from all the very best horse movies. Movies like the gentle classic My Friend Flicka (1943), and the exciting adventures of The Black Stallion (1979) and The Black Stallion Returns (1982) (When are they going to make Walter Farley's "Son of The Black Stallion" into a movie anyways?), and the cinematographic masterpiece Black Beauty (1994). Perhaps I can help you decide which movies are worth renting and which ones you just have to buy!

The Black Stallion (1979).

Alec and The Black playing on the desert island
The Black Stallion Returns (1983).

Alec and The Black racing the wind in full beduoin costume

Black Beauty (1994)

Black Beauty in all his glory
SPIRIT Stallion of the Cimarron (2002)

The ever vigilant Spirit with Rain at his side

Top Ten List

Top Ten Plots
Coming Soon!

Video Covers
Under Construction!

Disagree with my rankings? Or is there a great horse movie you like, but don't see here? I want to know about it!
E-Mail me at

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Last Update: July 2002

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