Judgement Day:
A Highlander/Forever Knight/DiscWorld Crossover
By Kristofer Armstrong
CopyRight 1997.

Disclaimer: Highlander belongs to Rysher/whomever else, likewise Forever Knight belongs to whomever it does, and The DiscWorld Novels belong to Terry Pratchett.
Also, an acknowledgement to Kevin Matsumoto for letting me use the idea that Natalie as an immortal. Thanks!


Duncan, Methos, Amanda, Nick and Natalie were enjoying a drink and each other's company at Joe's Place. Conversations insued, like at most get-togethers. And eventually someone has to go to the rest room. On this ocassion, that person happened to be Methos. He stood up excusing himself from the table with "I gotta go take a leak." He then set off to find the rest rooms.

The inside of the rest room was filthy! It included two urinals(loaded with cigarette buts, and other pieces of refuse), six stalls, and on the floor there was evidence that someone couldn't reach the tiolet in time. Seeing the condition of the urinals, and feeling the ever present urge to take a leak, Methos began checking the stall doors.

Much to his disapointment-and displeasure?-He found that some brilliant idiot had locked all of the stall doors-save the last one which had a sign on it. Not wanting to end up like the fellow who went on the floor, Methos decided to try the last stall; before entering, he read the sign:

Use at own risk. Management is not responsible for any occurences that may occure when using. Thanks, Joe.

"Damn!" said Methos. But with his bladder about to burst, he decided to chance it; he went in, locked the door, and went about his business.

Just as he flushed, he was engulfed in by a brilliant white light, and vanished. As he was disappearing his only thought was-"Damn! I hope that I remembered to zip up."

Back at Joe's, everybody was starting to wonder about Methos. Duncan and Nick volunteered to go look for him. Duncan mumbled something like "He's probably just taking a shit."

Soon, Nick and Duncan were in the rest room. Nick, disgusted at the sight of the room said "I've seen dungeons that were cleanlier!"
"Aye." Duncan agreed, since he too had some personal experience with dungeons.

They began searching for Methos. Eventually they came upon the last stall, ignored the sign, and entered it. "Look," Nick said, his facing showing signs of disgust, "This is disgusting! Whoever used this didn't even flush!" With that Nick flushed the toilet. The white began to engulf them. Duncan taking a look down into the toilet bowl itself said, "Nothing worse then a turd that won't flush...." Then they too, vanished.