Micheal chats with Fans

July 10,1998 AOL Live

Just to let you know, i only took parts of the interview that dealt with Cameron and Amanda. If you want the whole transcript ah....look somewhere else...he he.

Question: Are you going to have much of a relationship with Amanda. Also is Carl off the show officially?

EAMRodrick: I don't know about Carl. The relationship with Amanda will continue. It will get more exciting, just keep watching.

Question: Who on the show do you most enjoy working with?

EAMRodrick: I really enjoy working with everyone. Nadine is great! Sandra is great! John is great! Joe is great! They are all a pleasure. That's what I've wanted from the beginning.

Question: Do you have to get naked in front of your female co-stars?

EAMRodrick: That's funny, but no. :)

Question: Any hints on what is coming up for you and Amanda this summer? :)

EAMRodrick: Amanda and I will continue to find out who shot Carl and our relationship will continue to blossom.

Question: I love the chemistry between Cameron and Amanda. Is that pretty easy in real life or is it something that you really have to work at?

EAMRodrick: It's easy, Sandra Ferguson is gorgeous, talented and wonderful.

Question: Is anything going on between you and Sandra outside of your jobs?

EAMRodrick: No.

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