Total Televison Productions

BaldyBaldy. 1963.

Biggy RatBiggy Rat.

ChumleyChumley - Tennesse Tuxedo Show. 1963.

?Colonel Kit Coyote. Voice:Kenny Delmar.Go Go Gophers 1964.


ItchyItchy - (King Leo's brother), Tennesse Tuxedo Show. 1963..

King LeoKing Leonardo - Tennesse Tuxedo Show. 1963.

Klondike CatKlondike Kat (Was always after Savior Fare).

MalamuttMalamutt (Pulled Savior Fare's sled).

Mr. Lizard & TutorMr. Wizard the Lizard - Tutor Turtle. 1963.

OdieOdie Colognie.

Riff RaffRiff Raff.

RuffledRuffled Feathers - Go Go Gophers 1964.

RunningRunning Board - Go Go Gophers 1964.

Savior FareSavior Fare (was everywhere).

Sergeant Okey Homa. Voice:Sandy Becker.Go Go Gophers 1964.

PolySweet Polly Purebreed - Underdog. 1964.

Tennesse TuxedoTennesse Tuxedo - Tennesse Tuxedo Show. 1963.

Mr. Lizard & TutorTutor Turtle - Tutor Turtle. 1963.

UnderdogUnderdog - aka Shoeshine Boy, Underdog. Voice: Wally Cox. 1964.


Thanks to CaddmannQ and Danny B for Odies last name (Both sent it in within 2 weeks of each other, which is strange since it's been missing for almost two years).
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