Dr. Viper in a Mutation City...AGAIN!Dr. Viper pouring Katalyst X63 on himself!What Dr. Viper looks like after he poured Katalyst X63 on himself!Another picture of Dr. Viper as a monster!A close up of Dr. Viper's face or should I say eyes!Dr. Viper wearing a funky outfit!Dr. Viper and his plant growth formula!Dr. Viper in the forground and Callie in the background!Dr. Viper hugging a giant spor pod!A side view of Dr. Viper hugging the pod again!Dr. Viper, Callie, and Dr. Viper's Plantimals!Dr. Viper pleasuressly at something!Dr. Viper looking at a battle from a near by kathole!Dr. Viper is happy about some of his experaments being Triumphant.NEW!Dr. Viper when he was Elrod Purvis!Dr. Viper as Elrod Purvis again!Dr. Viper emerging out of the shadows!Dr. Viper mixing chemicals together!Dr. Viper is peeved off!Dr. Viper in a pleasent mood!Dr. Viper with a load of Katalyst 99!