At the Beginning...

The year is 1916. In the Imperial Palace of St. Petersburg, Russia, the Tsar Nicholas II and his family is celebrating the Anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty. Everyone is happy, except for 8 year-old Anastasia, the Tsar's youngest daughter. She's upset because her grandmother, the Dowager Empress Marie must return to her home in Paris. Marie gives Anastasia a special music box that plays their lullaby. The music box has a key, a beautiful flower-shaped pendant bearing the words, "Together in Paris". Anastasia hugs her grandmother.

The wonderful celebration is ruined, however, by the evil sorceror, Rasputin, who barges into the palace, placing a curse on the Romanovs, declaring that they have 4 days to live. Nicholas dismisses Rasputin, but 4 days later, an angry mob comes to the palace to kill the Romanovs. The family runs to get away, all except Anastasia. She has forgotten her music box. Marie runs after her, screaming, "Anastasia-NO!!!!" They reach Anastasia's room. Anastasia and her grandmother are trapped! The mob is pounding at the door. However, a young kitchen boy opens a panel in the wall to reveal a secret passage way! He pushes Anastasia and Marie through just in the nick of time. In the haste, Anastasia drops her music box.

The young boy tells the mob that no one is there. He pockets the music box. Meanwhile, Anastasia and her grandmother race to the train station. Unfortunatly Rasputin catches up with them, grabbing Anastasia's ankle. She screams and kicks, finally freeing herself. The ice beneath Rasputin cracks, and he plunges to the river below. Anastasia and her grandmother resume their flight. Marie reaches the train, hopping aboard the last car. She holds out her hand to Anastasia, grabbing hold. Unfortunatly, as the train picks up speed, Anastasia is pulled from her grasp, falling to the wooden platform. She hits her head and is knocked unconscious. Marie loses sight of her as the crowd closes in. "That was the last time I saw her."
