From the Fires of Prometheus, to the battlefields of New Prometheus. Dragon Technologies strives to bring the best in weapons and armor to the people who need it most - the common soldier

Potions & Elixers

Dragon Brain Z

Dragon Brain Z is a specific magical potion developed over centuries by the best minds and most advanced wizards in the multiverse (All of whom work for DT, of course) When ingested, it provides an almost instantaneous increase in permanent IQ by up to 2000%. This change is permanent, and all skills and atrributes that rely on IQ will increase accordingly.

WarningThis potion has been specifically designed for use on Dragon Metabolisms. Ingestation by any other species may cause undesirable side effects. By purchasing this product the buyer acknowledges the dangers, and in buying the product, absolves Dragon Technologies, it's subsidiaries and parent company, all employees, families, servents, slaves, chattel, and subatomic particles related to Dragon Technologies of any responsibility or liability if the product is not used according to it's instructions.

Dragon Brain Z - $25,000. A one use potion that when ingested by a Dragon, causes an immediate 2d6 permanent IQ increase. The side effect is that for every full 4 points of IQ, the Dragon must roll on the insanities table.

If ingested by a non-dragon, the potion will only give an increase of 1d6 IQ, and the character must roll on the insanities table for each additional IQ point received.