
The Home of the modular Robot

Fed up with the mass of robot types and styles coming out in every new RIFTs book and having no real way to make my own robots ... I decided to come up with a set of rules that would enable me to design and build robots that would not only fit in with the RIFTs universe, but be able to be a force unto themselves. I came up with the idea of a modular robot force designed as all purpose mecha, able to rapidly hange components as needed to take on any type of threat. Thus was born the Optimecha.

RIFTs Gaming Notes

Optimechs and Optiarmor are a new style of robot that will allow any player or referee to build his or her own robots, fully customized, and add in as many or as few weapons, components, and armour as he/she feels necessary.

Optimechs are built as per any type of vehicle - the main parts are:

In detail, these pieces go together in this manner:

The person selects the basic frame, from a menu of six possible, ranging from the lightest, a Class 1 frame, scout or light attack model, up to a class 6 frame, the battlewagon or heavy exploration model.

You then choose the motive system, be it two, four, or six legs, wheeled or tracked body, or aircraft body. All these modify the amount of Option Points you can have, and the distribution of these OP's.

Then you pick the sensor systems, ranging from simple, up to very advanced military-style sensors. This would also be a good time to pick out any extra people compartments, if you intend to carry any other than the cockpit crew.

Weapons and defences are last, and they are simply listed with the amount of cost, and number of OP's they take up.

After all this has been selected, and added up to make sure it all fits, the player or ref writes it up on an Optimech record sheet and the player has a brand new robot which can interchange it's bits with other robots of Optimech construction.

Any suggestions, critical or otherwise, and any comments are welcome at the following email address:


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