The Lingo of Oz

An inmate's quarters (or cell); most house 2, but some are larger.
An unscheduled raid on pods to search for drugs, contraband, & weapons. Violators are placed in the hole.
Padding (usually telephone book pages) for protection from fights involving weapons.
A shank, usually homemade; sometimes knives stolen from the kitchen; in some cases, guns illegally brought inside by hacks.
The time of day prisoners are counted then locked in pods until lights out; usually happens at 5 p.m.; easily recognized by the shot "COUNT".
Gen Pop
"General population"; the Oswald prisoners in other cell blocks.
Ad Sec
The official name for "the hole".
Em City
Cell Block 5; Emerald City.
Over the Rainbow
A term denoting someone/something in another cell block
Conjugal vs. Family Visit
A conjugal is a visit with an inmate's spouse during which time they can spend time together & do things that married people do. A family visit takes place either in the meeting room (where hugging & other forms of affection can occur) or behind the glass.
A derrogatory name for an inmate who has become another inmate's slave/wife.
The prisoners' name for correctional officers.
Prison slang for drugs.
Going through withdrawl symptoms, usually because of time spent in the hole.
Respect, honor
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