Timothy D. Stickney featured in Soap Mags

Fascinating Characters SOU 09/14/1999
RJ Gannon One Life to Live
Bad Boys We Love SOU 08/03/1999
RJ Gannon One Life to Live
Sticking to his Guns
Soap Opera Digest dated 06/29/1999
Q What was the best movie you've seen so far this summer? And the worst?
Soap Opera Digest, August 11, 1998
Timothy D. Stickney (R.J., OLTL)"Lost in Space". I had the most fun for my dollar. I was joyful when I came out of that movie. I'm a sci-fi freak and grew up on LOST IN SPACE, so I know the history. I don't expect (the creators) to follow it exactly, but where they make departures, they kind of have to give a nod to the person who knows the original story, the history. And they did. Lost In SPace was for the fans. I saw Deep Impact and that was cool. I dug seeing Morgan Freeman as the president."

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Soap Opera Digest (Date Unknown) Take Five
No Picture Soap Opera Digest, dated August 4, 1998
ABC gossip the backstage rage!

ONE LIFE TO LIVE Role Reversal: Llanview's resident bad boy, Timothy D. Stickney(RJ) recently got a chance to take on a very different persona in The Contract, a play performed at the National Black Arts Festival in Atlanta, GA. "It was a three-character play, and I portrayed Christ," explains the actor. His sister, Phyllis Stickney, played an archangel. "It's the first time I've ever worked with her," he grins. Though Stickney didn't have much to memorize - "I had one line, but it was more of a sound" - the role was not an easy one. "There were moments when Christ had to make the angel say things. It was difficult because I couldn't even look like I wanted to speak," laughs the actor. Though Christ is one of the roles he's always wanted to play, Stickney admits that it was a little weird. "It was odd after having played a dark character for so many years and then having to play Christ overflowing with compassion. It was a powerful peace."

No picture Total Television Your Favorite Actors Name THEIR Favorite Shows -- and Share Their Hopes for the Coming Season
The Couch Critic:Timothy D. Stickney
The Story So Far: The two-hour season finale centered around Jarod's (Michael T. Weiss; ex-Mike, DOOL) efforts to prevent the Centre from turning another boy into a pretender, then ended with a bang - literally. "All the characters were back in the main facility," explains Stickney, "and one of the good guys, who has been kind of spineless on and off throughout the series, decided to set a bomb to blow up the facility, but didn't know that everybody was going to end up there. So the bomb went off with everybody there."
Expert Opinions: "I'm like, one of the 12 people in New York that watched THE PRETENDER from the beginning," Stickney sighs. "Now I hear the show might be going off the air, so don't tell me that they ended [the series] with an explosion. [At press time, THE PRETENDER was renewed.] I think they should resolve who survives and who doesn't. That was one of the shows I was most anxious for when Saturday's came around."

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Soap Opera Digest, dated 5/19/98

Who's Stylin': R. J. Gannon
Phat and all that: "R.J. has a very contemporary style," notes OLTL Costume Designer Susan Gammie. "It's a atrongly individualistic, business look. He puts a lot of attention into his appearance. I think R.J. is a very image-conscious guy."
Day Look: "If R.J.'s hanging out at home, he'll be in a loose silk shirt. At work, we play with the idea of a business suit. They're usually cut very differently. Maybe it will have a Nehru collar, or the jacket will be three-quarter length. While he will wear a traditional business suit, there will be something different about it."
Evening Look: "He owns a jazz club, so I often use flashier fabrics in the evening."
Shop around: "R.J. has several custom-made suites by Franklin Rowe. He also has pieces by contemporary Italian designers. But again, I put hose together in a unique way. R.J. might wear an Italian sport jacket with a funky, Japanese kimono silk vest."
Hue and Cry: "He can wear almost everything. I like him in purple and in strong earth tones, like burnt orange. Turquoise is also a good color. He can successfully wear patterns, and I like to use a lot of texture in his clothing."
You will never see R.J. in:"A buttoned-down collar, and rarely, if ever, in a tie."
What kind of input do you get from Timothy D Stickney?:"Minimal. I love working with Timothy and feel like we very effortlessly hit a groove with his look. I kind of had an instinct for what I wanted R.J. to look like, and went with it."
Do R.J. and Timothy dress alike?: "Maybe when Timothy dresses up, but no, Timothy's really casual. For his daily look, I usually see him in sweatpants and sweatshirts, bandanas on his head. Actually, R.J. and Timothy are polar opposites. He's the nicest guy in the world."

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Soap Opera News, 1998
B-A-A-A-DTimothy's done a good job of fleshing out OLTL's one-dimensional bad guy R.J. What's next for the man you love to hate?
Soap Opera Digest, dated 12/30/97
The mouse that Scored? Timothy D. Stickney (R.J)
showed his animal magnetism while attending ABC's Super Soap Weekend at Disney World. "Minnie Mouse was so into me," joked the actor. "She wanted me. And so did Chip. They kept fighting over me." During the motorcade, Hillary B. Smith (Nora) came running back to Stickney's car with a message. "Hillary said that Minnie wanted Mickey to give me [to Minnie] as a Christmas present," said the actor, adding that "Hillary and Goofy had a little thing going on, too." Though Stickney and Minnied shared a dance, that's as far as things got. He was much more into the video games at a Magic Kingdon arcade. "I was the first one to try out their skateboarding game," grinned the actor, noting that he used to skateboard. "You're on a skateboard and the little video guy does whatever you do. I wasjumping over barrles, spinning around flippin. It was cool."

Soap Opera Digest, dated 11/18/97 Roundup: Question: When you auditioned for your role did you know you'd nailed it? Response: "No, I really didn't know that they liked me. I felt like I hand't done terribly because they spent some time with me, I got notes and had a couple shots at it. On my first take, I knocked a lamp off a table –– it was a nightmare. So when they gave me another shot, I thought, "Well, I guess I'm O.K.'"
Soap Opera Now, dated 10/14/97 "Summer's A Wrap - Let's Roll OLTL's executive producer Maxine Levinson promises exciting things happening in Llanview now that they have wrapped up Andy, Antonio, Patrick, Marty, and Maggie's exits. She promises surprises coming up for Jacara and "RJ".

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Soap Opera Weekly, dated 10/7/97"Longing for Obscurity"

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Soap Opera Digest dated 5/27/97it's a guy thing, featured as one of soaps sexiext men. Tells us what he thinks is not sexy; his best laid plans; about single guys versus married; his hair; quality he looks for in a woman; that his wife is patient; and he has been married for ten years!

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Soap Opera Digest dated 6/02/96 PAPARAZZI A BORN PERFORMER

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