Up-Close & Personal
If the actors love being photographed and enjoy seeing images of themselves, then Timothy D. Stickney (R. J.) is the exception to the rule. "I don't feel like I'm good at having my picture taken," he shyly admits. "I feel silly." Although, the good-natured actor never turns down a request for an interview or photo shoot, he maintains that he needs a little time to warm-up to the camera. "I'm willing to feel silly, because somewhere along the line I get comfortable with the process," he says. "But I still don't like many pictures of myself." Stickney says his fondness, or lack thereof, for personal photos dates back to childhood. "There are years in the family album where there are no pictures of me," he explains. "From age 7 to the time I was in high school, my mother would take pictures of me after (a school play), so we just have some sweaty pictures of me hugging people after the show."
Soaps In Depth 1