by Soulfingaz

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue

Dark Agenda
Part 25

When RJ saw Sophia in tears, he immediately took her into his arms and consoled her. The last time RJ saw someone so distraught was Dorian when she was mourning the loss of her husband, Mel Hayes and Cassie's father, David Renaldi. Sophia decided to turn to RJ for support and comfort since she didn't have any friends or relatives to help her in her time of sorrow. Sophia was grateful that she had a good friend like RJ to listen to her problems and ease her through her personal crisis.

As RJ layed Sophia's head on his shoulder, he briefly reflected on Hank and the current state of their relationship. RJ then put his thoughts about his brother aside and listened to Sophia express her feelings about the death of her brother Freddy.

"He was stabbed to death in a prison fight. I just came from identifying his body at the morgue." Cried Sophia.

RJ hands Sophia a kleenex and then offers his condolences.

"I'm so sorry, Sophia. If there's anything I can do to help you out, let me know."

"Thanks, RJ." Sophia wipes her tears with the kleenex. "What I really need is to be held right now." Sophia goes back into RJ arms and hugs him tightly. "My God, I can't believe he's dead. The people in our neighborhood always had low expectations about my family, and look what happens? They said my brother would be in jail or dead and they were right about him. I just can't believe it." Weeped Sophia.

"You shouldn't listen to that nonsense, Sophia. If anything, you should live by your own standards. I know that you're better than that, but you have to prove it to yourself first before anyone else."

Sophia nodded her head in agreement and then kissed RJ on the lips. For the time being, Sophia wanted to get through the loss of her brother Freddy before she proceeded to deal with other matters in her life.

The scenes switches to the Albion Hotel where John walks into Marco's room and unloads a bag of diamonds on the bed. Dane is surprised to see the jewelry and questions Detective Sykes about it.

"What's the deal with all this ice, Johnny?" Asked Marco.

"It's your payment. Now if you're not happy with it, I'll take it back." John retorted.

"I wanted plane tickets to the Bahamas, not diamonds. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Where did you get this jewelry from on such short notice?"

"It doesn't matter. What's important is I paid you for your services."

"Something in my gut tells me that this is hot merchandise. I'm not sure about you, Johnny. You carry yourself like you're Dudley Do-Right and you're no different from the criminals you arrest."

"I don't need a lecture on morality from an ex-pimp and two-bit con-artist like you. Now just take the diamonds and exchange them for cash."

"Well I can't see the pawnbroker in Llanview. Looks like I'm going to have to take a trip to Jersey and get this ice exchanged there. This stash you got me should be more than enough for my services. Who wants to be a millionaire when the price is right." Remarked Dane as he went through the jewels.

"Well I have to run. I have other business to attend to."

"Do what you got to do, Sykes." Smiled Marco.

"You just keep your end of the bargain." Responded Sykes as he opened the door and left Dane's hotel room.

Marco was more than willing to keep his deal, because unlike John, he was playing for keeps.

As John drives to the docks to meet with RJ to give him the LPD files, he reflected on how he obtained the diamonds. He recalls opening the door to Tea's Penthouse using an extra key that she gave him when they were seeing each other. Sykes then went inside and searched Tea's home for diamonds. Minutes later John found what he was looking for in Tea's dresser in the bedroom. When Sykes spotted the diamonds, he put them in a small bag and proceeded to leave her apartment.

All of a sudden, John heard Tea and Roseanne Delgado's voice outside the door. Sykes' heart jumped as he watched the door slowly open. He hid the diamonds in his coat. When Tea and Rosie walked in the apartment, they were surprised to see John there. John quickly convinced them that the serial rapist was in the area and it wasn't safe in their penthouse.

As he played on their fear, John told them that he would take them into protective custody, so they wouldn't be the rapist's next victims. Tea and Rosie agreed to go with John so they would be out of harm's way. John then drove them to the edge of town. Tea and Rosie felt uneasy about the place where John was going to take them, but he assured them that it was safe. The place in question was an old and abandoned factory building that once specialized in making shoes. John escorted the Delgado ladies inside the building to a room and told them to wait right there. Sykes then locked door behind him as he exited the room.

Tea and Rosie was banging against the door in an attempt to get out but they were trapped. No one could hear them scream and there were no windows so they could escape from the desolate and dim room. John locked them there because he feared that in time Tea would eventually tell Hank and Bo about his past. He wanted to retain his freedom at all cost and he would do anything to make sure he that he doesn't go to prison.

John's thoughts wandered back in the present time on the docks where he was to meet RJ with the LPD files. Sykes's then handed them to RJ and walked off. RJ stopped John and issued him a warning. RJ said that if the files weren't accurate, he would release copies of the videotape to the media. John informed a skeptical RJ that the LPD files he gave him were authentic. Nonetheless, RJ reminded John that there would be severe reprecussions if he was lying. The two adversaries then parted ways.

In the weeks that followed, several police stings in the city would fail as a result of RJ's plan to dismantle the Llanview Police Department. Reports would surface in the media regarding the unsuccessful, undercover LPD operations. The LPD was now bombarded with publicity for all the wrong reasons and Commissioner Buchanan would feel the heat because of it.

Bo walked in the Police Station after his private meeting with the Mayor at City Hall. A mob of TV, radio and newspaper reporters swarmed Bo asking him questions regarding the police stings. Bo response to their inquiries was "No comment." Hank then made his way through the crowd and helped Bo get to his office. The two of them then scrambled for answers to this predicament.

"Something's rotten in Dodge City, Hank. The Mayor just chewed me out about those failed police stings. I don't understand what went wrong?" A confused an angry Bo stated.

"The only reason I can come up with is someone in the LPD has been tipping off the criminals in town about the raids and undercover operations."

"Any ideas of who it could be?" Inquired Bo.

"One name comes to mind: John Sykes." Answered Hank.

"It couldn't be him. He showed so much improvement these past several months."

"How sure are you that he did change? Other than the fact that he informed you that Barbara Graham was the one that shot your son."

"John was being influenced by his corrupt guardian, Senator Graham and the situation wasn't in his control." Bo said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"That's a load of bull and you know it, Bo. I can accept the fact that you came to terms with John and moved on with your life, but Sykes' track record speaks for itself. Granted, it was your call to keep him on the force, but there are some things I can't overlook." Hank said in a stern voice.

"I'll tell you what, Hank. I'll keep a close eye on John and find out if he's the one behind this. But I'm telling you, your suspicions are way off on this one. I'm going to let you know upfront that I'm not going to rule out any other suspects." Bo said in a diplomatic manner.

"It won't hurt to at least investigate Sykes and see if he has a role in this fiasco. He's been acting very strange lately." Remarked Hank.

"Well we all need to put our heads together and salvage what's left of the LPD's credibility. Let's meet with Lisa and brief her on the situation. "

Bo steps out of his office and summons Lisa while Hank has a seat by Bo's desk. Once Lisa walks in the Comissioner's office, the three of them then discuss the plan to conduct a thorough in-house investigation of the failed police stings.

The next day John is walking his dog in the park when a grinning and devious RJ steps up to him.

"Keep up the good work, detective." Complimented RJ.

"Don't you have better things to do then to lurk around and make my life a living hell?" John angrily asked.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I'm on my way to The Sun to give them the story of the century." Responded RJ.

"I see where you are going with this, RJ. I've been playing your game and being a good little lapdog, but I want to know when I could be free from your influence?"

"Well since this is my game and I'm making the rules, you'll just have to wait and see. Have a nice day, Sykes. "

RJ and John part ways unaware that Detective Lisa West is across the street in a Ford Lincoln taking surveillance photos of the two of them.

The scene switches to Sophia's apartment where she opens a mysterious letter she recieved in the mail. Sophia reacts in shock when she sees a picture of RJ and Tea in a uncompromising position. Sophia recalled the night when RJ explained why he was late meeting her at the pool hall. RJ lied to her. She couldn't believe that Marco was right about him, but Sophia swallowed her pride and went to see him in his hotel room at the Albion.

After she told Marco that he was right about RJ, Dane told Sophia not too confront RJ with the problem but to beat him at his own game. He then hugged Sophia and then smiled. Marco finally had her on his team.

To Be Continued


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue