What happened to the TAB Site??

*the real explanation*

If you're here, then it's probably from a link from Metacrawler of Yahoo, and I know what you're thinking. What the heck is this, and where's the stuff on the Angry Beavers?

Well, almost a year ago, I found that juggling both school and total management of the first and most visited Angry Beavers site on the internet (a site that got over 1000 hits a month) became nearly impossible. After offering the site to multiple people that I thought could handle managing it without any response, I decided to get rid of it and delete the page.

There was also, however, another reason for deleting it. After more than a year of putting up up-to-date info on the show on my site and keeping up with the latest TAB episodes, news, and developments, I lost interest in the show. One of my friends and fellow TAB fans has stated HER reasons for losing interest in the show on her site, please read The Angry Beavers in Memoriam for the excellent details; I agree completely.

I have moved on to new webpage topics and interest, being that webpage design and HTML programming will always be my first love. I want to thank everyone who had helped make the TAB site a success, and it was an incredible experience to have such a popular website.

Once again, I apologize to the fans that are so dedicated to the show and want more info. There are now, I find, a lot more of other TAB sites. Hopefully you will find what you are looking for there.

Lastly, I think that the best thing about having such a visited page is all the feedback and people that you can talk to. If you are one of those people I used to e-mail and talk with about TAB I would love to hear from you again. If anyone wants to contact me for any reason or other, please write me at my new address which is stringybass@hotmail.com.

Also, I urge you to visit my latest venture which is an unpopular little page on an Anime that I created all by myself with cool pictures, stories, and music. I think you all would enjoy it!

http://browse.to/ra - The Rainbow Alliance Official Site

Thank you!