(Q.) How many Characters can I have active in the Starbase liberty game?

(A.) The only limit is your own imagination.

(Q.) Can I have a BIO for all my characters?

(A.) Yes, Just send it in and it will be put up and featured on the SB liberty

web site

(Q.) Can I use a photo off the web for my character or come up with a

design for a fighter or merchant craft for my character?


(A.) Yes! The SB Liberty RPG is very user friendly in fact the more

creative you are the more you will be featured on the games web site,

credit for designs in the game will be posted along with your drawings and


(Q.) Where is Starbase Liberty?


(A.) In an area of space called the "Triangle"

(Q.) Is the "Triangle" Trek Cannon?


(A.) Probably not, the idea for it came from a RPG book I saw a few months

ago.. I tried to recreate the idea of the Triangle as it seemed to hold a great deal of

potential for story telling.

(Q.) Does the SB Liberty Sim Follow Trek Cannon?


A. I have a great respect for the Star Trek universe as created by Gene

Roddenbury and Gene L Coon and will try to follow their version of the Trek universe as much

as possible, but as a story teller I know how important it is to allow a certain level of

creativity to the players when it comes to un established facts in the trek universe.

As long as it doesn't blatantly challenge the idea and spirit of Star Trek

what ever the player wants to do is allowable when it comes to writing about

things not yet covered by the Tv shows..


(Q.) Can You give an example?


(A.) Sure, I wanted to heavily include the Gorn and Tholians into the

SB liberty sim, not much is written about them so for the Gorn I came up with

"The Wilding Season" it is mentioned in the introduction and

though I made it up, I think its okay as no one that I know of has really

established every fact there is to be know about the Gorn race

and as I am finding out, there may be even less information available on the


(Q.) What is an email based RPG?


(A.) An Email based RPG is simply a Role Playing Game played via email.


(Q.) Do you use dice? Are there rules?


(A.) No Dice are used, each player takes on the role of a story teller.

They post for their characters involvement in the stations current mission,

no one except the captain of the ship or Star base can start or stop a mission,

but every member of the crew is allowed to contribute to the overall evolving story.

It sort of like that old camp fire game where someone starts a story then the next person

continues it in a different direction allowing the story to twist and turn and evolve into

a life of its own, the only difference is we support each other in our posts to continue the

ideas presented by the person who posted before us.

(Q.) What can I post about other peoples characters? Can I kill another

players character?


(A.) Posting about another persons character is encouraged as it allows interaction between

the crew and leads to a more enjoyable mission.. No one can kill a character

except the person who invented the character, unless you have express permission

from the person to do so.. Non Player characters can be established by anyone in a post

to add drama to a mission.. The NPC's can then be killed or wounded to add

realism to the game, just think of them as the Red shirts of the RPG universe.


(Q.) What is the Command structure of SB Liberty?


A. 1. Civilian Council Members

2. Star fleet Officers

3. Local Civilian Government (Non UFP)


(Q.) What is the top most rank I can get in the SB Liberty RPG?


A. Admiral or you can earn a position on the SB Liberty Council

Q. Why isn't there an active Admiralty in the SB Liberty Game?


A. Admirals have a tendency to get in the way, besides

I like the idea of having the civilian council in charge, it feels less

formal and may allow a less military attitude to exist between players.


Q. Do you have any advise for new players?


A. Yes! Post Post! and never be afraid to let your creative

side take over, SB Liberty will primarily have open ended missions

meaning anyone on the crew can affect the plots of our games by inserting

complications or assisting in resolving them.. The only limit is that your post

follows the current plot realistically and doesn't monopolize the mission other than

that every crew member has the right to participate as much as they want to in any



(Q.) Can other ships from other Star Trek RPG's on the Internet visit Starbase Liberty?


(A.) Yes! All that the visiting ship need do is send in its crew list and then they

can stay and join in on our current mission or explore the R&R facilities of the station.

When they want to leave they just let me know and they are taken off of the

Stations onelist..

(Q.) Will the visiting ships crews be recruited to join the SB Liberty game?


(A.) SB Liberty is an open game to any player who wants to join up, but no attempt

will ever be made to recruit.

(Q.) If I have an idea for a character that I dont see listed as available

can I email my ideas in to you and get to play?


(A.) Yes! As long as the character is believable


(Q.) Can I email in a question not covered in this FAQ?


A. Yes just send them to the


(Q.) Where did all the really cool 3D art work used on the SB Liberty web site come from?

A. All the 3D art came with the artists permission to use it from Here