Why r we here? well good question
well...... We're the Squad_17 ot that is our nick
name actually we're a team compromising
on cracking passwords we love to track stuff down and alot others . so
if U want our service E-mail our team mail and we will give u our
service don't be dissapointed! Our E-mail: Squad_17@hotmail.com
and well this is our official squad_17
site want tools? we have it want Tutorials?
we have it and lastly If the job's
tooooooooo BIG leave it to the Pro's and well
that's about all so have a nice
look and some good Downloads sing the guestbook if U will and lastly CRAP:
:We will not be held responsible for any damages or loss or harm this site
is mainly for Educational purposes only!.other than that enjoy! see U in
the I.T proffesion some day!
My buddies:
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